Vatican Documents Reformatted to Read or Print
Porta Fidei: Apostolic letter of Pope Benedict XVI | October 11, 2011
Vatican II Constitutions
Vatican II Decrees
Ad Gentes: Decree on the Mission Activity of the Church | December 7, 1965
Presbyterorum Ordinis: Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests | December 7, 1965
Optatam Totius: Decree on Priestly Training | October 28, 1965
Perfectae Caritatis: Decree on the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life | October 28, 1965
Christus Dominus: Decree Concerning the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church | October 28, 1965
Unitatis Redintegratio: Decree on Ecumenism | November 21, 1964
Orientalium Ecclesiarium: Decree on the Catholic Churches of the Eastern Rite | November 21, 1964
Inter Mirifica: Decree on the Media of Social Communications | December 4, 1963
Links to Additional Year of Faith Websites
Vatican’s Year of Faith Website
Vatican II Documents – on the Vatican’s website.
Catechism of the Catholic Church and Compendium of the Catechism – on the Vatican’s website.
USCCB Year of Faith Website – United States Catholic Bishops website.
Vatican II: 50 Years Ago Today – Each day CNS (Catholic News Service) will post the entry from the Council Daybook, just as it was reported on the corresponding day at the council 50 years ago.
Catechism of the Catholic Church – From USCCB website.
10 American Saints for the Year of Faith – From USCCB website.
EWTN – Eternal Word Television Network Website (you can view EWTN in streaming video from this site)
The Holy Father and the Holy See – the Vatican’s Website.
Audio Recordings of Presentations on Vatican II Documents
During Year of Faith Holy Hours
Gaudium et Spes: The Church in the Modern World | February 20, 2013
Lumen Gentium: The Church | February 27, 2013
Sacrosanctum Concilium: The Liturgy | March 6, 2013
Dei Verbum: Divine Revelation | March 13, 2013
Apostolicam Actuositatem: Apostolate of the Laity | March 20, 2013