Natural Family Planning | Natural Family Planning is the only method of family planning that does not require the use of harsh chemicals, devices or surgical procedures. Natural Family Planning is a morally acceptable method of regulating pregnancy. Couples using Natural Family Planning easily learn to recognize and accurately identify signs of fertility by observing the natural phases of the menstrual cycle. With an understanding of their fertility they can choose to use this method to either achieve or postpone a pregnancy. The Creighton Ovulation Method provides the most effective means of achieving a pregnancy. It is also 99.6% effective for avoiding a pregnancy: as effective as any form of artificial contraceptive. Contact Kealey Butler, Coordinator for the Diocese of Lincoln, at 402-473-0630, or kealey-butler@cdolinc-net.
Bible/Faith Study | Adult Bible Study Thursdays at 1:00pm over Zoom. Includes reflections on Scripture for the upcoming Sunday. Periodic group studies throughout the year, such as during Fall and Lent/Easter. Videos and participant booklets are still available. Call 308-534-5461 for more information.
C.C.D. (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) | C.C.D. Classes are offered from 11:30am-12:30pm on Sundays for children in grades Kindergarten-8th Grade. Contact Pastor for more information.
Totus Tuus (Totally Yours) | Summer catechetical youth program for grades 1-8 and 9-12 respectively.
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) | For adults wanting to become Catholic.
For more information, contact 308-534-5461.