Baptism | Contact priest to set up appointment.

Confessions | Saturdays 4:00pm-4:35pm, Sundays 9:00am-9:35am. Offered any time by appointment. Half hour before Friday Masses for 15 minutes.

First Communion | For Grade 2, typically on Divine Mercy Sunday during the 10:00am Mass

Confirmation | Grades 5-7 and older (Every third year when the Bishop visits)

R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) | For adults wanting to become Catholic. Contact pastor for more information.

Matrimony | Contact priest first before date is set and at least 6 months prior. Classes and retreat required.

Wedding Receptions | Contact Daughters of Charity (Altar Society) President

Anointing of the Sick | Contact Priest or parish office

For more information, call the rectory at 308-534-5461.