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 November 2003

    Calendar of Events
November 15, 2003         Secretariat Meeting 10:00am, Cristo Rey (Lincoln) 4221 J St ... enter south door
December 5-6, 2003        Spanish SOL, Contact Bianey Ruiz for Location
December 13, 2003         Secretariat Meeting NOON, St.  Joseph School, Beatrice
January 9-10, 2004          School of Leaders (quarterly reunion) – 7:30pm Fri-4pm Sat, Sacred Heart, Shelby
January 17, 2004             Secretariat Meeting 10:00am, Location to be announced
Feb 12-15, 2004             Men’s Weekend, Sacred Heart School, Shelby
Feb 19-22, 2004             Women’s Weekend,  Sacred Heart School, Shelby
March 13, 2004               Secretariat Meeting 10:00am, Sacred Heart School, Shelby
                                        Post Three Day Cursillo Weekend Reunion 1:00pm, Sacred Heart, Shelby
April 30 -May 2, 2004     Spring Regional Encounter, Garden City, KS
June 27, 2004                  Grand Ultreya at Camp Kateri Tekakwitha
July 29 - Aug 1, 2004      Cursillo National Encounter, Seattle, WA

Welcome New Fourth Dayers
St. Mary, David City, September 7, 2003: Benjamin Avila, John Bongers, Jim Daro, Matt Davis, Raymond Havlovic, Ralph Hein, Pat Gabel, Delmar Forst, and Fr. Charles Townsend.
St. Mary, David City, September 21, 2003: Barbara Belsky, Raelyn Hagenow, Cheryl Hein, Margaret L’Ecuyer, Celia Sherman, &Karen Spurgeon.
    Welcome to the 4th Day!  Let His light fill you so that you become holy ... saints ... filled with His Light, His Love, His Holiness.  Remember Christ is counting on you, and you must count on Him!

Spring Region VI Encounter ... Will be held in Garden City, KS on April 30 - May 2, 2004.  Please note that this date is one week later than what has been announced in prior newsletters .. Bishop Tamayo (our National Episcopal Advisor) wants to attend this Regional Encounter and moving it one weekend later, allows it to work in his schedule.

News From Secretariat ...

Secretariat Meetings
 •  November 15
 •  December 13

 •  January 17
 •  March 13 (Reunion for Feb. Weekends follows)
 •  April 17
 •  June 12
 •  August 14


 •  Jan. 9-10
 •  April 2-3
 •  Summer Meeting (evening session in June and July; one East and one West for each month)

Three Day Weekend Activities

 •  Practice Feb. Weekends – Jan 30-31 or Feb 6-7
 •  February 12-15 -- Men’s Three-Day Weekend
 •  February 19-22 -- Women’s Three-Day Weekend

Regional/National Encounters

 •  April 30 - May 2 -- Spring Regional Encounter
 •  July 29 - August 1 -- National Encounter

Grand Ultreya

 •  June 27 -- Grand Ultreya at Camp Kateri
From the Lay Director ... This Saturday … the First Saturday of November … is All Saints’ Day.  I have always (as far back as I can remember) had a great love for the saints … they are great “friends” …  When I was in first grade, I remember reading about St. Bernadette … my first “friend” … and since that young beginning, I’ve met many saints … “friends” … and invited them into my life.
    In recognition of my great love and respect for the saints … those who have gone before us, having struggled with the very same things that we struggle with … one of the members of my Group Reunion, who knew of my great love for the saints (and my “friendships” with them) gave me a wall hanging with the following quotation as a “remember me” gift when we made our move from Columbia, Missouri, to Nebraska: “Why were the saints saints?  Because they were cheerful when it was difficult to be cheerful, patient when it was difficult to be patient; and because they pushed on when they wanted to stand still and kept silent when they wanted to talk and were agreeable when they wanted to be disagreeable.  That was all.  It was quite simple and always will be.”
    I really like that quote … it calls me to task about the way I approach each and every day … each Fourth Day.   He asks that I be cheerful when I don’t “feel” like being cheerful … He asks that I be patient when patience comes hard …  He asks that I continue on when I would rather just stop/rest … whether out of frustration or weariness or sheer stubbornness …  I need to remain silent when I want to talk and be agreeable when I’d rather not be …  and that’s ALL?!?!  So it’s quite simple, is it?  But if I want to be a saint … and I DO want to be a saint … I have to continue to answer God’s call to conversion on a daily basis … whether I “feel” like it or not …
    Mother Teresa, who was recently beatified, had such a beautiful way of looking at life … the simple path …  She said, “God loves me.  I’m not here just to fill a place, just to be a number.  He has chosen me for a purpose.  I know it.  He will fulfill it if I don’t put an obstacle in His way.  He will not force me.  God could have forced Our Lady.  Jesus could have come just like that.  The Holy Spirit could have come.  But God wanted Mary to say yes.  It is the same with us.  God doesn’t force us, but He wants us to say yes.”  Yes … obedience … we become saints by doing God’s will for us … by being obedient to our calling … no matter what …
    Mother Teresa further commented: “Our human nature stays with us from beginning to end.  We must work hard every day to conquer ourselves.  We must learn to be meek and humble of heart.  Let us try to give everything to Jesus: every word, every moment.  Jesus, use my eyes, my ears, my feet!  My resolution must be firm: to become a saint.”
    And yet more: “Holiness is not the luxury of the few.  It is a simple duty [there’s that word ‘simple’ again …] for each one of us, especially for us who have been chosen.  We have been chosen to belong to Christ.”
    And: “Nothing can make me holy except the presence of God and to me the presence of God is fidelity to small things.  Fidelity to small things will lead you to Christ.  Infidelity to small things will lead you to sin.”  And we seem to have come full circle … fidelity to small things … being cheerful … being patient … continuing on … keeping silent … being agreeable … that’s all … quite simple … small things … Palanca ...
    Thank You, Lord, for the example of the saints … make all of us saints …  keep us faithful to our calling …  help us to look for and come to love the small things … may they lead us to You …  I’m counting on You!!!
    St. Paul, patron of Cursillo … pray for us!!
De Colores!          Kathy Springer

From the Spiritual Advisor ... In less than a month, our thoughts will turn to the civil celebration of Thanksgiving Day, and then in a few short days to the holy season of Advent.  For much of the month of November, many will be thinking of the coming of Thanksgiving.  Then, for much of the month of December, many will be thinking of Christmas.
    Each of those days is important, and yet, our celebration of Thanksgiving and Christmas must be more than just one day.  Our celebrations must be more than just civil celebrations ... they must involve our relationship with Jesus.  As we count up our blessings in preparation for Thanksgiving Day, we must remember the many spiritual blessings we have received from Jesus (our physical life, our spiritual life, our faith, the Church, the Sacraments – especially Reconciliation and Eucharist, our spiritual friends, and the gift of Jesus to us).  Each day, and especially at each Mass, we should be thankful people.
    As we need to spend four whole weeks in longing, joyful, hopeful preparation for the celebration of our Lord’s birth ... so we should often count up the blessings we have received from our Lord – blessings for which we must daily give thanks to God.  I think it was Shakespeare who said: “Can no other answer make but Thanks, and Thanks, and ever Thanks!”  Since the word Eucharist means “Thanksgiving”, we might add the Grace of the Lord to that secular thought and say: “Can no other answer make than: Thank you Jesus!”
    When we receive Him into our hearts through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of the Eucharist, and recognize the great gift that we have been given, then we grow to be more like Him.  May we thank Him for all of the gifts we have received.  May we show our thankfulness by using well the gifts we have received, and by preparing to welcome Him into our hearts.
De Colores        Father Mark Seiker



When anyone takes up the work of the conversion and Christian renewal of persons and the evangelization of human groups, it is absolutely indispensable that the entire work be built upon the grace of God.

 This is the foundational stone upon which all other human efforts must be based and developed.  This grace can be obtained only through the powerful means of trusting, constant and humble prayer.

 Today, perhaps more than ever, it is necessary to remind ourselves that without God we are nothing, bereft of value, and incapable of doing anything.  We must reaffirm that before anything else, the most characteristic mark of the Cursillo methodology ties in the whole concept of Palanca -- prayers, sacrifices and works of mercy.  Palanca must be genuine and offered by communities and individuals living in union with Christ and each other if the effectiveness of all other human efforts in the Movement is to be assured.  This is to take seriously the promise of Christ:  “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you.”  (Matt.  7:7)

 ...Within the (Cursillo) Movement we must be vigilant that the term Palanca not be misunderstood and abused so that incidental trimmings overshadow its interior call and meaning. Colorful posters and banners are not Palanca, neither are flowers, edibles, friendship letters or good wishes.  This is false Palanca under the guise of “nice things.”  Prayer and self-denial are not “nice things”, but they are more effective in securing God’s grace.

 It must be understood that letters are not Palanca.  Letters are merely a vehicle in which we convey the actual Palanca being done ... Self-denial is part and parcel of the Christian life.  Any de-emphasis of it in the Movement would indicate a shift away from Christ-centeredness.  In the life of the Church, we are offered seasons such as Lent and Advent to bring us back to the proper spirit.  A better way would be to live in a spirit of Palanca each day.

 Palanca offerings should not be limited to the Three Days.  The selection of candidates...the growth of Group Reunions, Ultreyas and especially the work of Secretariats...depend mostly on authentic and generous Palanca offered by all...St. Paul reminds us in Romans 12:1, “Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice dedicated to His service and pleasing to Him.”   –Cursillo Leaders’ Manual (Chapter 12, Palanca)

 As a part of my Palanca, I would like to serve the Lord in / through the Cursillo Movement in the following way(s):

_____ Offer holy hours during Cursillo Weekends

_____ Offer holy hours at other times on behalf of the Cursillo Movement

_____ Help with the clean up after a Cursillo Weekend

_____ Work on the Palanca Team on a Cursillo Weekend

_____ Bring food for Cursillo Weekends (snacks, grocery items)

 _____ Make monetary donations toward expenses (newsletters, Weekend supplies, Weekend food, etc.)

 _____ Be involved in School of Leaders (SOL) to learn more about the Cursillo Movement and form community with
            other cursillistas

_____ Serve on the Secretariat (SOL required)

_____ Lead the music on a Cursillo Weekend (SOL required)

_____ Give a talk on a Cursillo Weekend (SOL required)

Other suggestions for volunteering: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name: ______________________________ Phone No.: ________________
Address: ____________________________
City/State/Zip: ________________________
Email address: _________________________________________________

I made my Cursillo Weekend on ___________ at ______________________

Mail to: Kathy Springer, Lay Director, at 1410 E 15th St, Crete, NE 68333.

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