of Events
January 5, 2002
Secretariat Meeting at St. Mary School, David City
January 10-13, 2002
Men’s Weekend at St. Mary School, David City
January 13, 2002
Men’s Closing
Weekend at St. Mary School, David City
January 17-20, 2002
Women’s Weekend at St. Mary School, David City
January 20, 2002
Women’s Closing Weekend
at St. Mary School, David City
April 26-28, 2002
Cursillo Regional Meeting at Fairbault, MN
July 11-14, 2002
12th National Encounter, Bellermine University, Louisville,
At the Secretariat meeting, October 21, 2001, it
was decided that we would ask for an application fee of $10.00 when a candidate
turns in an application for the Three Day Weekend. There will still
be a suggested donation of $45.00 or whatever a person is able to give
on the weekend. The enclosed application form and informational flyer
has been updated to reflect these changes.
been set for January 10-13, 2002 (Men’s) and January 17-20, 2002
(Women’s) at St. Mary School in David City. The Men’s
Coordinator is Bobby Joe Spangler, and the Women’s Coordinator is Cathy
Continue to study your environments and invite people
you know to prepare to be candidates for these weekends. We have
about two months to study, invite and prepare for the next weekends.
Each Ultreya Center has some small booklets (The Cursillo Movement,
What Is It?) available for sale ($1.00) to help you know more about
Cursillo and to give or sell to those who are interested in the weekends.
There are also two other little booklets available ... The Cursillo
Movement Sponsor’s Booklet and The Post Cursillo, Group Reunion
and Ultreya which would be helpful to you.
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus,
While I was participating in the National Encounter
at St. Louis in July, one of the small group sessions that I attended was
a meeting of the Spiritual Directors. We were seated in a college
classroom, facing the speaker and behind the speaker was a standard classroom
blackboard. After we had been talking for more than half of the session,
one of the Priests made a very interesting observation. He said:
“Look at that blackboard. It has two pieces of blackboards joined
in the center by a little strip. The board on the left is about 3
feet high and 8 - 10 feet wide. That represents the Pre-Cursillo.
You see the board on the right is about 3 feet high and 8 - 10 feet wide.
That represents the Post-Cursillo. Now you see the little ½"
strip in the center that joins the two boards together. That represents
the Three Day Weekend. How much time have we spend here and do we
spend in other conversations talking about the Three Day Weekend, and how
much time do we spend talking about the Pre-Cursillo and the Post-Cursillo!”
I have reflected on that observation many times. Each of us needs
to continue to live the Fourth Day, and we need to study our environments
and invite other Christians to help us to Christianize our world!
De Colores!
Fr. Mark Seiker
From the Lay Director:
These past few months, the Secretariat has been
working on the Cursillo pastoral plan for the Lincoln Diocese. It’s
been an interesting and enlightening process, as well as a time of prayer
and reflection – what is working, what needs attention, where does Our
Lord want us to direct our efforts.
The pastoral plan covers ten elements of Cursillo,
as follows: (1) the Precursillo; (2) the Cursillo Weekend; (3) the
Postcursillo; (4) the School of Leaders; (5) Ultreyas; (6) Group Reunions;
(7) the Secretariat; (8) the Diocesan Pastoral Plan (the diocese’s pastoral
plan, not the diocesan Cursillo pastoral plan); (9) our diocese’s relationship
to Region VI (our region); and (10) the diocesan relationship to the National
Cursillo Center. We sometimes forget that Cursillo is about much
more than the Three Days … in fact, in the scheme of things, the Three
Days is important only to the extent that it teaches us how to live the
Fourth Day.
In October at the Region VI meeting in Fargo, ND,
the discussion sessions were targeted mainly toward the Postcursillo (i.e.,
how we live the Fourth Day). The talks on Sunday of the three-day
weekend (study and evangelization of environments; developing Christian
community; and living the method of group reunion and ultreya) give us
the plan for living that Fourth Day. In reflecting, we realize that
the purpose of the Three Days is to prepare us for the Fourth Day – to
give backbone and structure for Christian living.
Living the Fourth Day involves first, learning to
be fully Christian ourselves (i.e., dedicating our lives to living grace
and working to bring others to live it); second, finding our place in the
mission of the Church (by being a Christian influence in that place Our
Lord put us … our families, our work, our neighborhoods); and finally,
linking together those who are being formed as Christian leaders so that
we might all work together more effectively. Friendship groups and
Ultreya provide the working means (the method) for living the Fourth Day.
One of the comments made during the Cursillo weekend
is something to the effect that “an isolated Christian is a paralyzed Christian.”
In other words, we are all called to live together and share together our
Christian lives in an effort to strive each day to become more Christ-like
to those around us. Thus, you were encouraged to join a friendship
group that meets weekly to review progress in the areas of holiness, formation
and evangelization. The friendship groups call us to be accountable
for the time, talent and treasure Our Lord entrusted to us.
In like manner, friendship groups should join together
periodically with other friendship groups in Ultreya (meaning “onward”!!)
or they, too, risk becoming isolated and/or paralyzed in terms of their
apostolic effectiveness and/or personal growth. Just as we learn
from each others’ experiences during the Three Days and in our friendship
groups, we grow together in Christ through the Ultreya. After all,
we are one body!! Our Lord asks us to constantly extend outward …
outside ourselves to our friendship groups … outside our friendship groups
to Ultreya … and outside Ultreya to all of our other varied environments.
I know that we are all very busy – we all wear many
hats. However, attending our weekly friendship groups and/or Ultreya
is not “something extra” that we’re required to do – it’s a way of life
… a help toward our persevering in the work Our Lord has given us to do
in helping Him build His Kingdom. There is so much to gain from each
others’ day-to-day experiences (the apostolic struggles as well as the
successes) -- we need each other to live the Fourth Day as effective (and
affective) apostles. We need to seek Christ in others. If you’re
in a friendship group, may you persevere; if you’re not, may you seek one
out. May we all continue “onward” together!!
I’ll close by asking you to please pray about who
Our Lord might be asking you to invite to the upcoming Cursillo weekends
in David City in January -- who might be light, salt and leaven in their
environments? In addition, let us pray for one another … may
we always follow Our Lord’s lead.
De Colores!!
Kathy Springer, Lay Director
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