of Events
September 10, 2005
Secretariat Meeting - 9:30am, Blessed John XXIII Diocesan Center
September 23-25, 2005 Region VI Fall
Encounter, Sacred Heart Parish, Hebron, NE
Sept 30 - Oct 1, 2005
Practice Weekend, St. John the Baptist, Minden, NE
October 1, 2005
Secretariat Meeting - Approx. 12:30pm, St. John the Baptist, Minden, NE
October 6-9, 2005
Men’s Weekend, St. John the Baptist, Minden, NE
October 9, 2005
Men’s Closing, 5:00pm (4:00pm Mass) St. John the Baptist, Minden, NE
October 20-23, 2005 Women’s
Weekend, St. John the Baptist, Minden, NE
October 23, 2005
Women’s Closing, 5:00pm (4:00pm Mass) St. John the Baptist, Minden, NE
November 4-5, 2005
School of Leaders (quarterly reunion) - 7:30pm Fri-4pm Sat, Sacred Heart,
November 19, 2005
Secretariat Meeting - 10:00am, St. John the Baptist, Minden, NE
Postcursillo Reunion - 1:00pm (following Secretariat Meeting)
December 10, 2005
Secretariat Meeting - 9:30am, Location TBA
January 13-14, 2006
School of Leaders (quarterly reunion) - 7:30pm Fri-4pm Sat, Location TBA
February 3-4, 2006
Practice Weekend, Location TBA
February 9-12, 2006
Men’s Weekend, Location TBA
February 23-26, 2006
Women’s Weekend, Location TBA
Region VI Encounter
September 23-25, 2005
Sacred Heart, Hebron,
Fr. Oborny and the parishioners of Sacred
Heart Parish in Hebron have graciously
opened their doors to us ... It doesn’t get
any closer than this!
It will deepen your knowledge of the
Cursillo Movement and how it fits into
God’s plan of evangelizing the world ... in
building the Kingdom of God ...
At the same time, it will allow you to
experience the larger Cursillo Community.
[At the Spring 2005 Encounter (Omaha), there
were 3 language groups represented (English,
Spanish, and Vietnamese)].
Participation in Regional/Natl Encounters is
considered equivalent to participation in
Quarterly SOL (due to the
educational/community aspects of each).
PRAYER/ADORATION HOURS for the Minden Weekends
(listed by Ultreya Centers)
Thursday, 7:00pm - Midnight
David City
Friday, Midnight - 5:00am
Friday, 5:00am - 10:00am
Friday, 10:00am - 3:00pm
Friday, 3:00pm - 8:00pm
Friday, 8:00pm - Sat., 1:00am
Saturday, 1:00am - 6:00am
David City
Saturday, 6:00am - 11:00am
Saturday, 11:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday, 4:00pm - 9:00pm
Sat, 9:00pm - Sun, 2:00am
Sunday, 2:00am - 7:00am
Sunday, 7:00am - 5:00pm
Three Day Weekend – St. John the Baptist, Minden
Rollo Team for Men's
Weekend -- Chuck Micek (Coordinator), Jon Junkin, Mark Pribyl, and
John Springer,
Fr. Jeremy Hazuka, Fr.
Harlan Waskowiak.
Rollo Team for Women's
Weekend -- Joyce Micek (Coordinator), Carolyn Holmes, Margaret L'Ecuyer,
and Kathy
Springer, Fr. Paul York,
Fr. Greg Pawloski.
Candidates --
Please be praying for these candidates who have sent in their completed
applications (as of 10/2/05) for the
Cursillo Weekends in
Minden (please encourage candidates to get their applications in ASAP):
- Jerome Clyne -- Minden, NE
- Fr. Christopher Goodwin -- David City, NE
- Fritz Kain -- McCook, NE
- Dan Pospisil -- Ceresco, NE
- Lorraine Beil -- Beatrice, NE
- Katherine Lahowetz -- Minden, NE
- Allison Richtarik -- Lincoln, NE
- R. Jean Sughroue -- Cambridge, NE
Volunteers Needed ... to help with the Region VI Encounter scheduled for Sept. 23-25, 2005, at Sacred Heart Parish, Hebron. We need help in the areas of: (1) set up/hospitality, (2) meal prep and serving, (3) music, and (4) clean up. Please contact Mark Pribyl (402-641-7199) or any Secretariat member (listed on the cover of the Newsletter) to volunteer ... the sooner the better ...
[Reflections on the 2005 National Encounter by John Springer]
On the way to the National Encounter, we were discussing
how God gives us little miracles each day - sometimes many miracles.
We just have to keep our eyes open and recognize His gifts. We shared
examples, like finding a parking spot when you're in a hurry, reaching
in your pocket full of change and pulling out the exact amount, thinking
of someone just before they call, seeing someone you know well hundreds
of miles from home. The odds of these things happening are against
us in every case, but God doesn't do odds.
Anyway, we arrived at Benedictine College in Atchison,
Kansas, with Kathy playing the role of Air Traffic Controller, guiding
us in. On our way to registration, we walked by the cafeteria (haven't
seen or talked to a single person yet). A couple walked out and the
guy just said to me "I wanted to sign you up for Adoration." I never
saw this person in my life, and I said something like "What?" He
said, "I wanted to sign you up for Adoration when I saw you at daily Mass."
Again, I am thinking that I never saw this guy before and began to wonder
what they were serving for supper - we'd better hurry before they run out!
He could tell I had no clue, and he continued, "I saw you last Saturday
in Wichita (Kansas) at morning Mass, and you had a Cursillo shirt on and
were going to a daily Mass, and I just knew you would sign up for a holy
hour." He was in charge of the perpetual adoration program at our
son's parish in Wichita, so he was always on the lookout for people to
fill hours. He said he realized later that we were down there for
our new granddaughter's Baptism, and since he knew our son, he knew we
were from out of town. After that little exchange, I thought to myself
… another little miracle, thank You, God!
What does that have to do with the National Encounter?
Reflecting on those three days, God supplied many little miracles.
The theme of the Encounter was "Be Messengers of Joy", and there certainly
was plenty of that to go around. It began with supper and many reunions
of friends, followed by the official welcome; Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament/Confessions; and finally Night Prayer. During Exposition,
20-some priests heard probably around 400 Confessions - awesome Graces
were flowing, you could just feel it!
The next days were filled with more joy - over 600
people of faith and love, praising, worshiping, singing, sharing, and of
course - EATING! No Cursillo event anywhere lacks food, and there
was plenty of good food.
The Benedictine monks of the college were welcoming
and again, joyful. The Abbot shared some hilarious stories and you
could tell he had many others. Ask me about Brother Leo's dynamite
We also spent time with one of the Lincoln seminarians,
Rafael Rodriquez, who attended with Bishop Bruskewitz's blessing (and perhaps
a little urging?). Rafael is from Mexico City and came to UNL for
what he thought was graduate school. Of course, God brought him here
for other reasons. Rafael will, if everything goes as planned, be
ordained a priest in two years (keep him and all seminarians in your prayers).
He was a blessing to all of us, and in particular to me, as he served as
an interpreter so I could visit with a close friend (Manuel) from the Omaha
Spanish Cursillo Community (close friends and we can't even speak each
other's language - isn't God wonderful?).
Several of the presentations were in Spanish, and
Rafael attended some of those as well as some of the English presentations
… he wanted to listen to talks in both languages. The English and
combined presentations were in the gym with hard chairs (I think designed
that way to keep everyone awake). Our regional meeting was held in
the auditorium where the Spanish talks were given, and we found the real
reason Rafael was going to those talks - comfortable padded seats!
We should have quizzed him on the talks to make sure he was not dozing.
On a final note, we spoke to people from many dioceses
throughout the country. We are all pretty similar in that we share
many of the same concerns. It is common, we found, that as the Movement
in the U.S. returns to the authentic Cursillo, many cursillistas are having
difficulties accepting the move back to authenticity. This is especially
trying for the lay leaders who are trying to be faithful to the original
charism of the Movement and struggle with dissent and abandonment by those
who want to retain the extra things that were added to the Three Day Weekends
over the years. We understand that Cursillo is Cursillo, as it was
originally given to us by Eduardo Bonnin … nothing more, nothing less.
Eduardo's constant message (echoed by Pope John Paul II) is to keep the
Movement authentic, and if it is not, then make it so. We all prayed
for strength, guidance, and perseverance.
This National Encounter marks the fifth that Kathy
and I have attended (St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Seattle, and Atchison).
Each one is truly a spiritual blessing and a real encounter with Christ
as we share our faith and our love for Jesus. All the Encounters,
including the Regional Encounters, bring us together as a Movement.
We go to the Encounters because we want to live what we learned on our
Cursillo Weekend - be holy, form our faith, evangelize, and live in community.
May God bless you all.
De Colores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Springer
De Colores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chuck Micek
De Colores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark Pribyl
Nov 4-5
Jan 13-14
Apr 28-29
Jul 14-15
Three Day Weekend Activities
Sept 30-Oct 1
Oct 6-9
Oct 20-23
Nov 19
Postcursillo Reunion
Feb 3-4
Feb 9-12
Feb 23-26
Mar 18
Postcursillo Reunion
Regional/National Encounters
Sept 23-25
Fall Regional Encounter (Hebron, NE)
Apr 7-9
Spring Regional Encounter
Jul 27-30
National Encounter(Location TBA)
Jun 25, 2006
Grand Ultreya
De Colores!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathy Springer
From the Spiritual Advisor ...
Recently (August 5th) , I read a meditation in the
devotional by Fr. Walter J. Ciszek, S.J., entitled "Following Jesus":
"Our primary responsibility, the main object
of all our efforts, must be the transformation of ourselves, of our hearts
and our lives. Insofar as we succeed at this, we promote the spreading
of God's Kingdom, for by doing this, we are at the same time disposing
ourselves to help others and contribute even further to the spreading of
the Kingdom. What this means in the concrete is that each of us must
faithfully fulfill the duties of our daily life. The circumstances
and people that God each day presents to us through His providence offer
us the opportunity to perform action after action in proof of our dedication
to the Kingdom. Whether we are married and taking care of home and
family, or studying in school, or working in an office or a factory or
on a farm, whether we are dedicated to the priestly or religious life,
matters little -- in whatever we do, we must always seek first the Kingdom
of God. That is, all of our actions of every day must be accepted
as from God and referred back to Him, must be done in a way that fulfills
His Will, for in this way alone is the Kingdom of God promoted and spread
upon earth."
That sounds very much like Cursillo. First,
we are called to know ourselves, and then to enter into a friendship with
Jesus. Finally, we take Jesus with us out into the world. Sometimes,
as Americans, we tend to focus on the doing ... on the work ... on the
spreading of His Kingdom. But before we begin doing, we must first
ask for His help and His grace so that we can let Him transform us.
In the words of the song: "Take My Life", we need to let Him ... "Take
my heart and form it ... Take my mind, transform it ... Take my will, conform
it ... to yours, to yours, Oh, Lord."
When we let Him transform us, then we will see every
situation in our lives as much as is humanly possible with His eyes.
Because we let Him form us, transform us, conform us, to be like Him, the
persons and the situations of our lives will be His gifts to us ... and
He will be placing us with the people and in the environments that He wants
us to be, so that we spread His Kingdom.
Spreading His Kingdom would be action (evangelization)
... but it first begins with piety (holiness ... entering into a friendship
with Jesus) ... and it continues with study (formation ...letting
Him form us, transform us, conform us, and our wills, to His) ... and then
we are better able to be used by Him to spread His Kingdom.
St. Alphonsus Liguori has something to teach us
about prayer ... in the August 1st Magnificat meditation,
he tells us:
"God wishes all people to be saved. As
we read in 1 Timothy 2:4: God 'desires everyone to be saved and to come
to the knowledge of the truth.'
Furthermore, God is ready to give to everyone
the help needed for salvation, but He grants it only to those who ask Him.
As Saint Augustine wrote: 'He gives only to those who ask.'
Hence it is a common opinion of theologians and
of the Fathers of the Church that for adults prayer is necessary as a means
of salvation. This means that if you do not pray, or if you neglect
to ask of God the help needed for overcoming temptation and for persevering
in grace, you cannot be saved.
On the other hand, you must remember that our
gracious Lord cannot refuse to give graces to those who ask for them, because
He has promised to do so. 'When you call upon me and come to pray
to me, I will hear you' (Jer 29:12). Have recourse to God and He
will not fail to hear you. Ask of God all that you desire and you
shall receive it. 'Ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done
for you.' (Jn 15:7).
These promises, however, are not to be understood
with reference to temporal goods, because God gives those only when they
are for the good of the soul. But God has promised absolutely to
grant spiritual graces to you if you ask Him; and having promised it,God
is bound to give them to you., Saint Augustine says: 'By His promise,
God has made Himself our debtor.'
My Jesus, teach me to pray and to remember always
how much I need to pray in order to save my soul."
So, before God asks us to help spread His Kingdom
throughout the world, He wants to start by transforming us. When
we are transformed into His image and likeness, then we, as cursillistas,
really will be the "Messengers of Joy" (the theme for the 15th National
Cursillo Encounter) that we called to be. Then He will be better
able to use us wherever we are, in whatever environment we are, to proclaim
His Gospel to all those we meet. But the action starts with
piety, and continues with formation, and then, as the "messengers of joy"
that we have been formed to be, we spread His Kingdom and do His work.
Remember, the Three Day Weekend began with getting
to know yourself first, then getting to know Jesus ... at that point, you
are ready to take Jesus out into the world. So, in our Fourth Day,
we must regularly and continually take time to know ourselves and to know
Jesus ... take time to let Him form us ... then we will be better instruments
to spread His Kingdom as messengers of joy.
De Colores!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Father Mark Seiker
(Insert #1)
September 1, 2005
Dear Cursillista of the National Cursillo® Movement,
We greet you and wish God’s blessings on you and your family. We pray that having lived the 3-Day Cursillo® Weekend, you are utilizing the method of Cursillo in your daily life and in your walk with Jesus. As a Cursillista, and member of your diocesan Cursillo® Movement, you are part of the National Cursillo® Movement of the United States.
The United States Cursillos in Christianity has a National Cursillo® Center located in Dallas, Texas. This Center organizes the operations of the National Secretariat, which safeguards the essence, purpose, and methodology of the Cursillo® Movement. For more information on the National Cursillo® Movement, we invite you to visit our website at
We, the Finance Committee of the National Cursillo® Movement, are writing to request financial contributions from you for the benefit of continuing the work of the National Cursillo® Movement. The National Cursillo® Movement receives income via two major avenues, annual diocesan affiliation fees and the sales of books and materials. In the past, there have been sizeable gifts bestowed to the Movement. However, these gifts were onetime gifts and have ceased to exist. Expenses never cease though. On the contrary, we know too well their astonishing increase to the detriment of creating a much wider gap with income.
We are asking you to consider making a monetary donation to the National Cursillo® Movement. Perhaps you can consider giving the equivalent of one hour’s pay per week, per month or per year. Checks can be made payable to “National Cursillo® Center” and mailed to PO Box 210226; Dallas, Texas 75211. Or you may be moved to make a donation of an item from our “Wish List” (see back). If you are in a position to provide any of these items please contact the National Cursillo® Center for information and details at 214-339-6321 or email us at We hope you are able to contribute in some way. Remember, your donation to the National Cursillo® Movement, a 501(c) (3) entity, is tax deductible.
We rely on God and your generosity to receive what we will need. Please
pray and ask God to lead you – you are the National Cursillo® Movement!
We thank God for you and we know that you are an evangelical witness of
the Good News that “God Loves You”! Thank you for your consideration. Please
keep the National Cursillo® Movement in your
Your brothers and sister in Christ,
Jim Wells, Diego Melians, Kathy Springer
The Finance Committee of the National Cursillo® Movement
National Cursillo® Movement
“Wish List”
1. Data projector with 1024x768 resolution (3)
2. Laptop/Notebook computer (2)
3. Language translator software for Windows XP (4)
4. Desks (4)
5. Metal Industrial Shelves (30)
6. Van – 8 passenger
7. U-Haul Trailer
8. Conference table with 10 chairs
9. Dry-Erase Board 48” x 96” with stand
10. Windows XP compatible Computer with monitor
11. Scanners (2)
12. Work bench cabinet (6)
13. Storage cabinets (3)
14. File cabinets – four drawer (8)
15. Telephone System with (6) telephone
16. Cell Phones (4)
17. Digital Camera, min. 5 mega pixels
18. Tables 6’ Portable folding (15)
19. Label System Electronic
20. Copier high capacity
21. Partition 16’ Freestanding Portable
22. Podium Fully Powered (microphone & speaker)
23. Wooden Book Shelves (4)
24. Television 27” with stand
25. DVD & VHS combination player
26. Digital Camcorder
27. Sofa and living room chairs
28. Mini Blinds 36” x 60” (20)
29. Vacuum Cleaner
30. PC DVD Read/Write drive (6)
(Insert #2)
Registration Form
School of Leaders
Quarterly Reunion
November 4-5, 2005
220 S Walnut
Sacred Heart School - Shelby,
New participants are ALWAYS
welcome ...
We are beginning a new book!!
If you cannot be with us, we request Palanca for the success of the School.
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________________
Phone: Email: ______________________________________
Where and when did you make your Cursillo? ______________________________________________________
Are you able to receive the Sacraments of Confession & Holy Communion? Yes No
To which Organizations do you commit your time?
Are you living the follow-up program of Group Reunion? Yes No
Are you living the follow-up program of Ultreya? Yes No
Do you have any physical/medical/dietary conditions
to be considered? __________________________________
Please Return this Form WITH PAYMENT
John Springer, 1410 E 15th St, Crete, NE 68333
BY NOV 2, 2005
Is Christ tugging at your heart to serve
Him through Cursillo?
SOL is the working arm of Cursillo … May God
us your time/talent/treasure in SOL to do the work of Cursillo ... build
community with other cursillistas ... spend time in prayer and meditation
with the Blessed Sacrament. SOL is for ALL cursillistas
... men and women, couples, singles, priests and religious.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4th (Retreat Phase
... preparation for Saturday's SOL)
--- Registration (NO Meal Friday evening)
--- Mass
--- Meditation, confessions, quiet time
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th (School of Leaders
--- Morning prayer and Mass, followed by
- 4pm Group Reunion, Intro, 2-3 Sessions and Lunch
--- Clean up and Depart (Supper not provided)
Please bring the following with you to the SOL:
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