of Events
September 11, 2004
Secretariat Meeting 10:00am, Blessed John XXIII Ctr, 3700 Sheridan, Lincoln
Sept 17-18, 2004
Practice Weekend, Sacred Heart, Shelby
Sept 23-26, 2004
Men’s Weekend, Sacred Heart, Shelby
Sept 26, 2004
Men’s Closing, 5:00pm (4:15pm Mass) Sacred Heart, Shelby
Oct 1-3, 2004
Fall Regional Encounter, St. Paul / Minneapolis, MN
Oct 14-17, 2004
Women’s Weekend, Sacred Heart, Shelby
Oct 17, 2004
Women’s Closing, 5:00pm (4:15pm Mass) Sacred Heart, Shelby
October 30, 2004
Secretariat Meeting 9:00am, Blessed John XXIII Ctr, 3700 Sheridan, Lincoln
November 5-6, 2004 School
of Leaders (quarterly reunion) – 7:30pm Fri-4pm Sat, Sacred Heart, Shelby
November 13, 2004
Postcursillo Reunion – 1:00pm-3:00pm Sat, Sacred Heart, Shelby
January 7-8, 2005
Practice Weekend, TBA
January 13-16, 2005
Men’s Weekend, TBA
February 10-13, 2005 Women’s Weekend,
February 25-26, 2005 School of Leaders
(quarterly reunion) – 7:30pm Fri-4pm Sat, Location TBA
April 1-3, 2005
Spring Regional Encounter, Savior of the World Seminary, Kansas City, KS
July 28 - 31, 2005
Cursillo National Encounter, Benedictine College, Atchison, KS
Closings for the Three Day Weekends
Food!! ... Fellowship!! ... Fun!!
to be held at Sacred Heart Parish
Shelby, NE
Men’s: Sept 26, 2004
Women’s: Oct. 17, 2004
5:00pm (4th Day Mass at 4:15pm)
PRAYER/ADORATION HOURS for the Shelby Weekends
(listed by Ultreya Centers)
Thursday, 7:00pm - Midnight
Beatrice / Crete
Friday, Midnight - 5:00am
Friday, 5:00am - 10:00am
Friday, 10:00am - 3:00pm
Friday, 3:00pm - 8:00pm
Friday, 8:00pm - Saturday, 1:00am Wahoo
Saturday, 1:00am - 6:00am
Beatrice / Crete
Saturday, 6:00am - 11:00am
Saturday, 11:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday, 4:00pm - 9:00pm
Sat., 9:00pm - Sun., 2:00am
Sunday, 2:00am - 7:00am
Sunday, 7:00am - 5:00pm
David City
Three Day Weekend – Sacred Heart, Shelby
Rollo Team for Men's
Weekend -- Mark Pribyl (Coordinator), Jon Junkin, Chuck Micek, John
Fr. Bill Holoubek, Fr.
Ron Homes.
Rollo Team for Women's
Weekend -- Kim Wilson (Coordinator), Joan Junkin, Joyce Micek, Roddy
Fr. Jeremy Hazuka, Fr.
Paul York.
Candidates --
Please be praying for the candidates who will be living their Cursillo
Weekends in Shelby (candidates as
of 10/10/04):
- Steve Bartek -- Touhy, NE
- Kevin Biskup -- Orleans, NE
- Les Gasal -- Sutton, NE
- Ryan Tramp -- Lincoln, NE
- Galen Warburton -- McCook, NE
- Janet Bartek -- Touhy, NE
- Susan Biskup -- Orleans, NE
- Ann Gasal -- Sutton, NE
- Kathleen Roesener -- York, NE
- Elaine Rosburg -- Lincoln, NE
- Alice Trepka -- Crete, NE
De Colores!! Kathy Springer
From the Spiritual Advisor ...
One of the presentations that I attended during
the National Encounter was on Actual Grace. It was given by a very
humble priest who described actual grace as “supernatural passing help
given to us by the Lord to enlighten our minds, strengthen our wills and
to help us to do supernatural things.”
St. Augustine said quoting the Lord, “Apart from
Me, you can do nothing.” Another way of saying that is that “Actual
Grace is necessary for the performance of every supernatural act in our
life.” We can and should ask for that gift of actual grace many times
throughout our lives. Jesus told us “to ask, to seek, and to knock”.
Our human experience reminds us that we struggle
with temptation ... we experience anger, impatience, unkind thoughts, and
other difficulties. At times like these, St. Therese, the Little
Flower, used to pray: “My God, I love You!” We would do well to imitate
St. Therese! If you are struggling with another person, then ask
Jesus to take that act of love in favor of the person that you are struggling
with. If you are down on yourself, then ask Jesus to take that act
of love in your favor, for peace of mind and heart.
The priest quoted a spiritual author who said: “If
you are struggling with forgiving and forgetting past hurts, then keep
in mind that forgiveness is first remembering and then letting it go.”
In the book of Genesis (Gen 1:26), it says “God created us in His own image
and likeness” ... so God’s goodness is present in each person, even though
at times we might choose to sin ... so the hope is that each person is
doing his/her best at any given time / place or in any given situation.
So, we have to be willing to respond to God’s actual grace and forgive
and forget.
Jesus loves us perfectly, with total love, and we
can count on His non-judgmental love all the time. There is no place
in the New Testament where Jesus met the other nine lepers and gave them
their leprosy back because they did not thank Him! Neither should
we treat others like that. The priest shared a little prayer that
is helpful when we struggle with forgiveness ... say: “(Name or names),
I realize that you did your best at the time, place or situation ... wanting
to be one with the Heavenly Father. (Name or names), I forgive you.
(Name or Names), I love you.”
We must choose to use our wills to do good ... to
love ... to forgive. If a person tries to come back and hurts us
again, then pray: “My God, I love You. Thank You for the grace of
generosity You have given me.”
There are many occasions in our lives when we need
God’s actual grace ... ask for it, and remember His love for you ... His
love for all persons. When you are faced with a big decision, pray:
“Come, Holy Spirit, Spirit of Light and Love! Come with Your light
to help me to see clearly what I am to do. Come with Your love to
give me the courage and strength to do it. Amen.”
May His actual grace help us remember that “Christ
is counting on you .... and ... I am counting on Christ.” With His
Grace, Christ and I are an overwhelming majority. Jesus live!
De Colores Father Mark Seiker
National Encounter – Seattle, Washington
Fr. Mark Seiker, Kathy and I recently attended the
National Cursillo Encounter at Seattle University in Seattle, Washington.
The focus of this Encounter was the original charism of Cursillo as given
to Eduardo Bonnin, the founder. This year the Encounter focused on
the book, Structure of Ideas, written by Eduardo Bonnin (this book
will be the focus of the technique talks for the next few quarterly SOLs
in our Diocese). The major presentations at the National Encounter
included: What is Fundamental for Being a Christian, The Purpose of the
Cursillo Movement, and The Method of the Movement. I’d like to share
a few thoughts about the Encounter, the message, and the experience.
It is truly a blessing to experience a National
Encounter. Over 600 cursillistas from almost every state were there
… people of many races and language groups (English, Spanish, Vietnamese,
Portuguese) … priests, bishops, religious, and laity. Even though
we see friends only once a year, it is like having seen them only yesterday.
It is always amazing to group with another cursillista through an interpreter
because we do not understand one another’s language. Such is the
nature of the Cursillo community … as we joined together as one community,
it was evident we were one faith, one family, one Cursillo. The joy,
the sharing, the trials and successes in living the Fourth Day were the
same for everyone.
As mentioned above, this Encounter focused on the
original charism of Cursillo. We are called by Pope John Paul II
and by Eduardo to make sure Cursillo is authentic as given by the Holy
Spirit … to focus on internalizing the message of Cursillo … to be one
Movement … united with Christ (the theme of this Encounter was “Unity With
Christ”). No diocese can say it is entirely unique – rural, urban,
spread out, cultural, few priests, internal struggles – though there may
be some differences, there is a great commonality in the joys and the struggles
of each. But the goal was clear - be true to Cursillo, live the Cursillo,
guard the authenticity of the Cursillo, and most of all, study and know
the Cursillo. We cannot teach something we do not understand, so
we must understand it. And we cannot understand it unless we study
and live the Method (Group Reunion and Ultreya). Therefore, Fourth
Dayers need to understand and live Group Reunion and Ultreya, and be in
union with the Movement.
Finally, let me share some thoughts about what was
said about living Cursillo. One of the greatest prayers we say is
our life ... our “rollo” is our living witness. We can’t touch God
directly, but we can touch Him through others, and others can touch Him
through us. If we are living the Cursillo, we are in service to others.
Our heart is like a bottle full of the love of Jesus … we just have to
pull out the cork (keeping in mind that everything is the work of God’s
grace). The best way to lead others to Christ is to live in peace
and joy ... to pour out His love wherever we go. When Christ said,
“Go to the end of the world and preach the Good News,” He may have been
talking about our kitchen or backyard … wherever the Good News needs to
be heard … The world is not evil, it has just needs to be turned back toward
We should live on Earth like we want to live in
Heaven. Persevere … be active … be true … be there for others.
We should be like a school of fish helping one another find the way … we
should all be swimming in the same direction … the school is not to train
the fish to be fish … it is rather a means of reaching a destination as
a group … sticking together and encouraging one another not to stray or
swim alone. Thank You, God, for what You have given … for what You
have taken away … and for what You have kept from us … thank You for Cursillo
God bless John Springer
(Insert #1)
Survey of Cursillistas in the Lincoln Diocese
The SOL (comprised of volunteers serving the Lord in the Cursillo Movement) would like to learn more about cursillistas in the Diocese of Lincoln. We respectfully request that you take a moment to fill out and return this survey. Thank you for all you do for the Lord - De Colores!
Are you currently in a weekly group reunion?
____ Yes ____ No
If Yes: Names of group members: __________________________________________________________________
Time and place you meet: __________________________________________________________________
Saint’s name for your group: _________________________________________________________________
(If you don’t have one, consider choosing one)
If you’re not in a group reunion, would you like information about
groups currently meeting in your area?
____ Yes ____ No
As a part of my Palanca, I would like to serve the Lord in / through
the Cursillo Movement by (check all that apply):
____ Serving as an Ultreya Center Representative (to take information
to / from the Secretariat)
____ Planning one or two Ultreyas a year (could be done yourself or
by your group reunion)
____ Providing the witness at an Ultreya (simply share how the Lord
is working in your life)
____ Offering holy hours during a Cursillo Weekend or at other times
on behalf of the Cursillo Movement
____ Helping with the cleanup after a Cursillo Weekend
____ Working on the Palanca team on a Cursillo Weekend
____ Providing food / drinks for a Cursillo Weekend (snacks, baked
goods, grocery items, etc.)
____ Making a monetary donation toward expenses (newsletters, Weekend
supplies and food, etc.)
____ Being involved in School of Leaders (SOL) to learn more about
the Cursillo Movement and form community with other cursillistas
____ Other suggestions: ____________________________________________________________________________
If you are in a group reunion, and participate in Ultreya and SOL,
would you like to help with any of the following?
____ Serve on the Secretariat
____ Lead the music on a Cursillo Weekend
____ Give a talk on a Cursillo Weekend
If you are unable to share your time or talent right now … are you able to share your treasure to further the work of Cursillo? Check enclosed for $_____________ (payable to Cursillo of Lincoln; you may include the check with this form)
Please complete this (today if you can) and return to:
Joan Junkin
7820 Sandalwood Dr
Lincoln, NE 68510-4358
Thank you so much - we’ll send an updated directory soon!
(Insert #2)
Lincoln Diocese Sponsor Form (Confidential)
(see reverse side for the Responsibilities
Associated with Sponsoring A Candidate”)
Speak to God about man before speaking to man about God.
Candidate’s Name __________________________________
To be completed by the above Candidate’s Sponsor
SPONSOR’S Name: _______________________________________ Parish:
Address: _________________________________________________ Phone
(h): _____________ (w): ____________
City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________
Phone (cell): ____________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________
Fax: __________________________________
Fourth Day Group Reunion meeting time/place: ___________________________________________________________
Are you active in a: ____ Group Reunion
____ Ultreya ____ School of Leaders
How long and how well do you know your candidate? ______________________________________________________
How long have you been discussing Cursillo with your candidate? _____________________________________________
Is your candidate free to receive the Sacraments? ____
Yes ____ No
If the candidate is married, has the candidate’s spouse made Cursillo?
____ Yes ____ No (If no, is he/she interested
in the Cursillo?) ____ Yes ____ No (If no,
please state the reason why) ________________________________________
Has he/she experienced a death of a loved one, trauma or severe crisis
within the past year? ____ Yes ____ No
(If yes, please contact the Diocesan Spiritual Advisor or Lay Director)
Are you aware of any reasons the candidate should not make the Weekend?
____ Yes ____ No (If yes, please contact the Diocesan
Spiritual Advisor or Lay Director)
Is there an active Cursillo Group Reunion in your candidate’s parish?
____ Yes ____ No
Have you explained the Fourth Day (Group Reunion and Ultreya) to your
candidate? ____ Yes ____ No
Are you willing to make a one-year commitment to your candidate to
bring him/her closer to Christ (this entails, at a minimum, reminding
him/her of, and inviting him/her to the Ultreyas, offering him/her a ride
if necessary, keeping in contact with him/her, and trying to help him/her
find a permanent Group Reunion)? ____ Yes
____ No
What other information or observation can you provide us with: _______________________________________________
Why do you recommend this candidate? ________________________________________________________________
Sponsor Signature ______________________________________________________
Date ____________________
To be completed by the above Candidate’s Pastor
Pastor’s Name _____________________________________________ Parish
Address __________________________________________________ E-Mail
City/State/Zip ______________________________________________
Phone ________________________________
Do you recommend this person for a Cursillo Weekend? ____
Yes ____ No
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Pastor’s Signature ___________________________________________ Date _________________________________
The only requirement for candidates is that they be Roman Catholic and able to receive the Sacraments of the Church. Sponsors should also consider candidates for strength of character, maturity, an open mind, an ability to listen, friendship, and willingness to change. Candidates should be emotionally healthy and seeking a deeper spiritual life. The Cursillo Weekend is not designed to be a cure-all for those experiencing personal problems.
Prayer is an important part of sponsorship and sponsors should pray for candidates before, during and after the Cursillo Weekend. Sponsors are also expected to:
1) Explain the Cursillo Weekend:
Your commitment to your candidate does not end when he or she completes the application, or even after the Cursillo Weekend. It is your responsibility to make sure your candidate feels welcomed at all Cursillo activities and is supported in his or her apostolic endeavors for at least a year.
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