Cursillo Newsletter
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 September 2003

    Calendar of Events
Sept 4-7, 2003             Men’s Weekend, St. Mary School, David City, NE
Sept 18-21, 2003         Women’s Weekend, St. Mary School, David City, NE
Sept 26-28, 2003         Fall Regional Encounter, River Falls, WI (see application in July newsletter)
October 4, 2003           Secretariat Meeting 10:00am, St.  Mary School, David City
                                     Post Three Day Cursillo Weekend Reunion 1:00pm, St.  Mary, David City
October 10-11, 2003    School of Leaders (quarterly reunion) – 7:30pm Fri- 4pm Sat, St.  Joseph, Harvard
November 15, 2003     Secretariat Meeting 10:00am, Location to be announced
December 13, 2003     Secretariat Meeting 10:00am, Location to be announced
Feb 12-15, 2004         Men’s Weekend,  Location to be announced
Feb 19-22, 2004         Women’s Weekend,  Location to be announced
April 23-25, 2004        Spring Regional Encounter (Garden City, KS)
July 29 - Aug 1, 2004   Cursillo National Encounter, Seattle, WA

PRAYER/ADORATION HOURS for the David City Weekends (listed by Ultreya Centers)
Thursday, 7:00pm - Midnight . . . . . . . .Beatrice / Crete
Friday, Midnight - 5:00am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hastings
Friday, 5:00am - 10:00am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lincoln
Friday, 10:00am - 3:00pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . McCook
Friday, 3:00pm - 8:00pm. . . . . . . . . .Plattsmouth/Offutt
Friday, 8:00pm - Saturday, 1:00am. . . . . . . . . . Wahoo
Saturday, 1:00am - 6:00am. . . . . . . . . .Beatrice / Crete
Saturday, 6:00am - 11:00am. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hastings
Saturday, 11:00am - 4:00pm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lincoln
Saturday, 4:00pm - 9:00pm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .McCook
Sat., 9:00pm - Sun., 2:00am. . . . . . . Plattsmouth/Offutt
Sunday, 2:00am - 7:00am. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wahoo
Sunday, 7:00am - 5:00pm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . David City


Three Day Weekend – St. Mary, David City     It would have been nice to include the names of all the candidates in this newsletter; however, they have not yet been provided to us (please watch the Lincoln Diocese Cursillo Web Site for the names of additional candidates).  Please try to get the completed applications to the Lay Director as soon as possible.  Two weeks remain before the Men’s Weekend and four weeks before the Women’s Weekend.
    Just a reminder ... One of the responsibilities of the Coordinator for a Weekend is to welcome the candidates to Cursillo by way of an introductory letter (which includes information about the Weekend) prior to the Weekend.  If we do not have the information from the sponsors (completed application and sponsor form), this cannot be done.  Forming community begins before the candidates arrive to the Weekend ... with the letter ...  Please help make this process easier ... it is so hard to be sending the letters and making contact (when there is not time to get a letter out) at the last minute.  It causes undue stress for both the Coordinator and the candidates.  I understand the concept of God’s Time ... let’s together pray that all things be done accordingly.

Fall Regional Encounter ... The Fall Region VI Cursillo Encounter will be held in River Falls, WI (see application in July Newsletter) on Sept. 26-28, 2003.  River Falls is across the river from the Twin Cities (Minneapolis / St. Paul).

News From Secretariat ...

Secretariat Meetings
•  August 9
•  October 4 (meeting followed by Reunion for September Weekends)
•  November 15
•  December 13
•  January 16-17 (or switch with SOL … see below)
•  March 13 (Reunion for Feb. Weekends follows)
•  April 17
•  June 12
•  August 14
•  October 10-11
•  Jan. 9-10 (or switch w/ 1/17 Secretariat Meeting)
•  April 2-3
•  July 9-10
Three Day Weekend Activities
•  Sept. 4-7 -- Men’s Three-Day Weekend
•  Sept. 18-21 -- Women’s Three-Day Weekend
•  February 6-7 -- Practice for February Weekends
•  February 12-15 -- Men’s Three-Day Weekend
•  February 19-22 -- Women’s Three-Day Weekend
Regional/National Encounters
•  September 26-28 -- Fall Regional Encounter
•  April 23-25 -- Spring Regional Encounter
•  July 29 - August 1 -- National Encounter
Postcursillo Ponderings ... Palanca is… our life in Christ offered for another!
    You may be wondering why I would be featuring Palanca as the Postcursillo topic of this newsletter.  Many associate it with Precursillo - it is the most important way we prepare the new 4th Dayers before many of them even know they are coming to the Weekend. Others associate it with the Three Day Weekend - of course for many of us, it is one of the things that touched our hearts the most … there were people out there praying for us, some we didn’t even know yet.
    And yet - Palanca is definitely a Postcursillo topic. As we left the Three Day Weekend to return to the cold, cruel world (God’s beautiful creation spoiled by man), we were told that Christ is counting on us … and we proclaimed that we are counting on Him.  This is our mission - we are missionaries! How can He work in this world except through His Body, the Church - each of us.  And what is Palanca anyway - it is simply offering our prayers, sacrifices and works of mercy so that the grace is used as God wants it to be for the good of all, including the new 4th Dayers who will be joining our community after their Weekends. I learned that from our last School of Leaders as Kim Wilson shared with us about Palanca.
    So, Palanca is to be ongoing - in all three phases of Cursillo. Just as Three Persons are united together in One God, so the Precursillo, Three Day Weekend and Postcursillo must be viewed as united to form the one strategy of Cursillo.  Palanca is simply living in Christ as we are destined to do by our Baptism, and offering the graces up for the intention of others.  Palanca is when I stayed at work on Friday - on First Friday, when I look forward to the precious hour I can spend before the exposed Body of Christ - to trim a woman’s toenails.  But that woman was miserable, and because of her circulation problems, the other nurses were not able to trim them.  They were long and misshapen - but because I had asked God that morning to help me see Him in everyone that day, I enjoyed every moment … the entire hour it took to lovingly reshape those nails and help her feel better.  That was Palanca - living that moment of my life for Christ Who was in her, and through grace, remembering to offer it up for the success of the Weekends - God’s success, not ours.
    Please begin TODAY to write your Palanca letters for the September Weekends.  It is important to write a general Palanca letter, which will be posted to be read by the community being formed on each Weekend (one for the Men’s Weekend and one for the Women’s Weekend).  In addition, it is ALSO important for the candidates (who will be new 4th Dayers when they read the letters) to receive personal Palanca letters that will be put in their packets to be read as they begin their 4th Day.  Thus, you are still very much encouraged to write personal Palanca letters … they are VERY important.  One of the priest candidates from the January 2003 Weekends talked about how he enjoyed having personal Palanca letters from former parishioners in the packet sent home with him after the Weekend … it meant a great deal to him to read the letters once he returned home.
    Since we don’t have the names of all the candidates yet, it would be good to write 10 – 20 individual Palanca letters addressed in a manner such as “Dear Brother/Sister in Christ,” along with the message conveying your love through Palanca.  The letters can be inserted into envelopes without names on the front, allowing the Palanca team to write the names of the candidates on the envelopes during the Weekends.  Each person called to the Weekend is individually important … a person God called at just this time to just this Weekend to deepen his/her commitment to Him.  As a reminder, the letters are not to be purely friendship letters - they are meant to convey spiritual love, not hearts and flowers but something much more lasting - daily sacrifices and prayers, Mass intentions offered and works of mercy such as visiting the sick or imprisoned (not just those behind bars).  It is not necessary to list numbers of prayers - such as 365 Hail Mary’s or whatever - what is most important is that the person who reads that letter when they get home from their Weekend will know that there is someone out there who is living their commitment as a missionary by being an instrument of God’s grace. So get out your pens and pencils and begin writing Palanca letters to convey what you can offer as a prayer!                 Joan Junkin

From the Lay Director ... With the September Weekends fast approaching and having just come from the practice weekend, I am reminded in a big way of the power of Palanca and the value of emptying self to make room for Him … “O Jesus, meek and humble of Heart, make my heart like unto Thine.”  Palanca is truly that emptying of self in offering Him our prayer and sacrifice to help build His Kingdom … in whatever way He asks.
    The Leaders’ Manual reminds us that “self-denial is part and parcel of the Christian life.  Any de-emphasis of it in the Movement would indicate a shift away from Christ-centeredness.  In the life of the Church, we are offered seasons such as Lent and Advent to bring us back to the proper spirit.  A better way would be to live in a spirit of Palanca each day.”  He offers us the ‘season of evangelization’ … the season of inviting others to know, love and serve Him … on a daily basis … the season that has no end … a beautiful season, with some days that are challenging (inclement) and others that are pure joy (sunny, bright days) … the season that offers us anew each day the opportunity to offer Palanca … to be “levers” … because “a lever allows a person to move things which are beyond normal strength, just as prayer and sacrifice allow an apostle to accomplish more than [he/she] otherwise would be capable of.”  And He has a much better understanding of that capability than we do … He knows how full the glass is … when He needs to stop pouring …  We often think we know where the fill line is … and even more often we tell Him when it’s time to stop …  But I’ve personally experienced my own misjudgment of what I believed I could handle/endure so many times that I’m more quick to surrender than I used to be …  I try very hard to live in a spirit of “perpetual Palanca” … offering … and some days I’m better at it than others …  But I believe He honors my desires and honest efforts to let Him work in/through me …  And on the days He overfills (from my perspective), it’s another opportunity He gives me to open my heart and will a little wider … and sometimes (most times) it hurts …
    At the July School of Leaders (SOL) in Ashland, one of the talks was on the topic of Palanca (that’s what largely sparked my thoughts … and I’ve thought about it a lot since the SOL).  The person giving that talk used the Leaders’ Manual to help guide the discussion … and I would like to comment on a couple of things that really struck me as I listened to her talk (actually, that’s one of the beauties of Cursillo … sometimes we hear/read things that we’ve heard/read before, but we hear/read them with new ears/eyes because we are in a new place in our pilgrimage … our walk with our Lord and with one another …).
    One thing that spoke to me was the richness that is contained in the Leaders’ Manual, and the source of growth that it can be for all of us as we live the Fourth Day.  As I learn more and more about the Cursillo Movement (through prayer and study … and through the larger Cursillo community itself … at Regional and National Encounters, but also within the various Ultreya Centers in our Diocese), I am awed at its depth.  As we understand more and more the roots of Cursillo and the unique charism it possesses to build His Kingdom, I thank God for His calling me to it … it continues to enrich my life on a daily basis, and hopefully, thus allows me to enrich those environments to which He calls me.
    A second thing that struck me was the end of the chapter on Palanca (Chapter 12).  It talked about the importance of integrating new cursillistas within the various local Cursillo environments of Group Reunion, Ultreya, and possibly SOL into the Cursillo community … a good reminder to the sponsors of the candidates living the September Weekends … but truly, a reminder to all of us.  The Leaders’ Manual stresses that all of this (the work of Cursillo in all its aspects of Precursillo, Three Days, and Postcursillo) will entail additional efforts by the leaders in these Cursillo environments from which the new Fourth Dayers come … and we are reminded that “all is done for the purpose of building up God’s Kingdom here on Earth.”  The leaders need the ongoing prayers, sacrifices, love, and support of the Cursillo community … the Secretariat needs them … the SOL needs them … I need them.  We … all of us … need Palanca for the efforts we are making on behalf of Christ for the Cursillo Movement …  There is much work to be done … and we need your Palanca … please …
    May our Lord bless all of your apostolic efforts … may they bear much fruit, whether or not you are ever allowed to know …  and as the Litany of Humility (of Cardinal Raphael Merry del Val) so beautifully implores at the end: “That others may become holier than I, provided that I become as holy as I should … Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it …”
    De Colores! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Kathy Springer

From the Spiritual Advisor ... For the past three summers, I have attended the National Encounter.  Each year the Encounter has been a great opportunity for growth in piety (holiness), study (formation) and action (evangelization).  Time spent in prayer with other cursillistas from across the country and around the world has been some of my close moments with Christ.  The Encounters have provided new information and new experiences that have helped me better understand and live the Cursillo Method.  Study (formation) is an ongoing process and I am continually amazed at the different ways that Christ seeks to form me.  I have also been challenged by other cursillistas during the Encounters to make better plans for apostolic action (evangelization) for me personally as well as for our Diocese.  After all, it has been said that if you “fail to make a plan”, then you “plan to fail.”
    The Encounter this year was held in July in Cincinnati, and the presentations focused on the ten words that were the foundations of the first Cursillo held in 1944, in Mallorca, Spain.  One of the speakers talked about the words that the priest prays during the dismissal at the end of Mass ... in the old Latin Mass, “Ite, missa est.”  He said the translation is not “The Mass is ended”, but rather “Go, it is your mission!”  It is our mission ... but we are not sent forth alone.
    We must remember the importance of holiness, formation, and evangelization.  We come to the Mass to be close to the One Who is Holy, and so to grow in holiness.  We come as a community to be formed into the image and likeness of Christ -- through the Scriptures we hear proclaimed and through our reception of Holy Communion.  Then we are sent out: “Go, it is your mission!”  In all my years growing up as a Catholic, and even as a priest, I did not know until this summer that the words of the dismissal at Mass meant: “Go, it is your mission!”  Hmmm ... maybe we don’t fulfill our mission as Catholics / cursillistas very well because we don’t know that we have a mission.
    We heard on our Three Day Weekend that “Christ is counting on you!”  Do we know that He wants to work through us?  He is counting on us to continue His mission in the world.  What is our mission ... it is the mission of the Church ... to preach the Gospel, the “Good News” of Jesus Christ.  We preach the Gospel by living it in the actions of our daily lives, as well as by what we say in words.  If we keep the faith to ourselves, it is not the “good news”, but rather a “good secret”.  We must be involved in apostolic action ... it is our mission ... and Christ is counting on us!
    The Apostles were open to continual formation (individually and as a community) – we would do well to imitate their openness to ongoing formation.  They spent time with Jesus, and then they were sent out by Him to preach the Gospel, to baptize, and to cure the sick.  They brought others with them back to the Church, to worship at the Mass, to grow in holiness, to be formed in the image of Christ, to be formed with the message of the Gospel, and then to go out themselves and live the Gospel in apostolic action ... the mission of the Church.  As cursillistas, we must seek to continue to grow in holiness, formation, and evangelization ... through our regular weekly Group Reunion, at our monthly Ultreya, and also in the School of Leaders.  I pray that you will hear our Lord’s commission to you in the words of the dismissal at Mass ... “Go, it is your mission!”  I pray that each of us will fulfill our mission given to us by Christ at our Baptism ... that mission of which we were reminded at the closing of our Three Day Weekend ... Christ is counting on you!
De Colores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Father Mark Seiker


Registration Form

School of Leaders
Quarterly Reunion
October 10-11, 2003
611 N Kearney
St. Joseph Hall - Harvard, NE

If you cannot be with us, we request Palanca for the success of the School.




Phone:                                         Email:

Where and when did you make your Cursillo?

Are you able to receive the Sacraments of Confession & Holy Communion?    Yes     No

To which Organizations do you commit your time?

Are you living the follow-up program of Group Reunion?    Yes     No

Are you living the follow-up program of Ultreya?    Yes     No

Do you have any physical/medical/dietary conditions to be considered?

Please Return this Form WITH PAYMENT To:
John Springer, 1410 E 15th St, Crete, NE 68333   NO LATER THAN OCT. 8, 2003.

You are invited to the Quarterly Reunion of the School of Leaders.  Come participate in the work of Cursillo ... build community with other cursillistas ... spend time in prayer and meditation with the Blessed Sacrament.  The School is for all cursillistas ... men and women, couples, singles, priests and religious.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10TH (Retreat Phase)
        7:30pm ---      Registration (NO Meal Friday evening)
        7:45pm ---      Mass
        8:30pm ---      Meditation, confessions, quiet time

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11TH (School of Leaders Agenda)
        7:00am ---      Morning prayer and Mass, followed by breakfast
        8:30am - 4pm Group Reunion, Intro, 1st Session, Lunch, 2nd Session, 3rd Session
         4:00pm ---     Clean up and Depart (Supper not provided)

Please bring the following with you to the weekend:
    • Pilgrim’s Guide
    • If you have the following:
        • Leader’s Manual (please begin praying the Leader’s Prayer on page 57)
        • Lincoln Diocese Pastoral Plan for Cursillo (extra copies will be available)
        • The Fundamental Ideas of the Cursillo Movement
        • His Way

• “Classic” Cursillo accommodations will be available.
• Advance registrations are requested; it is fine to attend Saturday only or Friday only
• Suggested donation (if you are able) for the weekend is $15.00 per person.  Please make check payable to “Cursillo of Lincoln” and mail with the Registration Form.
• Please keep this half of the flyer for future reference.
• Please bring a snack to share, if you like.

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