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 September 2001

    Calendar of Events
September 16, 2001           Secretariat Meeting at St. Joseph Church, York, 2:00pm
October 12-14, 2001          Regional Meeting at Queen of Peace Retreat Center, Fargo, ND
October 21, 2001               Secretariat Meeting
January 10-13, 2002          Men’s Weekend at St. Mary School, David City
January 13, 2002               Men’s Closing at St. Mary School, David City 4:00pm Mass
January 17-20, 2002          Women’s Weekend at St. Mary School, David City
January 20, 2002               Women’s Closing at St. Mary School, David City 4:00pm Mass

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus,
    On your three day weekend, you were told: "Christ is counting on you", and you responded "And I am counting on Christ!"  As each of us lives our fourth day, we need to count on Christ, and also remember that He is counting on us to take His Gospel into the world and to work to bring about a Christianizing of our environments.
    Please continue to study your environments and to prepare persons that you know to make the Cursillo weekend.  The next set of weekends (both men's & women's) are scheduled for January 2002.  The Secretariat will be meeting in September and in October to work on our pastoral plan and to help all of our Cursillistas to better know & live the Cursillo method.  Continue to attend your friendship grouping and the Ultreyas.  Remember to do palanca for the movement & to support each other in the faith.
    De Colores!        Fr. Mark Seiker

WAHOO - JULY 29, 2001:
Susan Anthony, Kelli Bruckner, Theresia Burkinshaw, Cynthia Gress, Carolyn Holmes, Lori Nelson, Dorothy Petrosky, Terri Rickel, Myung Skeates, Marie Wilson.

    At the Secretariat meeting in July, Kathy Springer was elected the new Lay Director for the Diocese of Lincoln.  We need to extend a thank you to Chris Yarger who has been the Lay Director for the alst two years.  Bill & Elaine Swanson will continue as secretary / treasurer.  The next Secretariat meeting will be on Sunday, September 16 at 2:00pm at St. Joseph Church, York.

THE NEXT CURSILLO WEEKENDS: have been set for January 10-13, 2002 (Men’s) and January 17-20, 2002 (Women’s) at St. Mary School in David City.  The Men’s Coordinator is Bobby Joe Spangler, and the Women’s Coordinator is Cathy Sladky.
    Begin now to study your environments and invite people you know to prepare to be candidates for these weekends.  We have about four months to study, invite and prepare for the next weekends.  Each Ultreya Center has some small booklets (The Cursillo Movement, What Is It?) available for sale ($1.00) to help you know more about Cursillo and to give or sell to those who are really interested in the weekends.  There are also two other little booklets available ... The Cursillo Movement Sponsor’s Booklet and The Post Cursillo, Group Reunion and Ultreya which would be helpful to you.

From the Lay Director:
   God is good … all the time!!  All the time … God is good!!

    Our Lord continues to bless Cursillo through the men and women He has called in the past and will call in the future.  It’s His plan … it’s His work -- all He asks is that we be open to it and cooperate with it.  During the three days of the Cursillo weekend, we are reminded that Christ is asking us to be His hands and feet and mouth in those environments in which He placed us … how are you responding to His call?

    On behalf of all, I would like to welcome Carolyn, Cynthia, Dorothy, Kelli, Lori, Marie, Myung, Susan, Terri, and Theresia to the Cursillo community.  All of us pray that each fourth day is bringing you closer to Christ.  If you haven’t yet gotten into a friendship group, please contact your sponsor or ask at your area’s Ultreya about getting into a group.  You will note the names and addresses on the back of this newsletter for the representative(s) or contact person(s) for your Ultreya area – ask these people to assist you.  And pray … sometimes the obstacles that confront us can only be overcome by prayer and fasting.  (The invitation to seek out a group is extended to any cursillista who is not currently in a friendship group … after all, we are companions on the journey.)

    Which leads me to my next point …

    Enclosed you will find a palanca calendar for our region for the months of September and October.  Each day has a specific prayer intention.  Cursillo extends far beyond the boundaries of the Lincoln Diocese, as should our prayers.  Just as there were men and women throughout the country and the world offering palanca for you while you were living your three-day weekend, all of us should be offering palanca on a regular basis in solidarity with cursillistas in our region for the various intentions listed (I particularly like the Rosary for Unity on Tuesdays).  At the beginning of the gospel of Luke, chapter 11, we are instructed about prayer – not only the “how to,” but also about the persistence that is required.  Let’s take Our Lord at His word – ask and expect to receive, knock and expect that it will be opened to you, seek and expect to find … not always in the way you anticipate, but trusting that God will respond in that way that will move you closer to Him.

    Please pray for the Cursillo Movement in our diocese as we begin work on revising the pastoral plan and getting our School of Leaders up and running.  We need committed cursillistas to carry on the work of Cursillo in the pre-Cursillo, the three days, and the post-Cursillo.  Pray about where Our Lord is asking you to help ... then follow His inspiration.

    I end as I began – God is good … all the time!!  All the time … God is good!!

De Colores!
Kathy Springer, Lay Director

P.S.  On the calendar, (S) denotes Spanish and (E) denotes English.

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