Cursillo Newsletter
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 May 2004

    Calendar of Events
June 12, 2004              Secretariat Meeting 10:00am, Cristo Rey (Lincoln) 4221 J St ... enter south door
June 27, 2004              Grand Ultreya, Van Dorn Park, Lincoln, NE (near 9th & Van Dorn; see insert)
July 9-10, 2004            School of Leaders (quarterly reunion) – 7:30pm Fri-4pm Sat, Sacred Heart, Crete
July 29 - Aug 1, 2004  Cursillo National Encounter, Seattle, WA
August 14, 2004          Secretariat Meeting 10:00am, Location TBA
Sept 17-18, 2004        Practice Weekend, Sacred Heart, Shelby
Sept 23-26, 2004        Men’s Weekend, Sacred Heart, Shelby
Oct 1-3, 2004             Fall Regional Encounter, St. Paul / Minneapolis, MN
Oct 14-17, 2004         Women’s Weekend, Sacred Heart, Shelby

Late Arrival of NewsletterWe opted to send the May/June Newsletter a little late, in order to include the Regional Palanca calendar and information from the Spring Region VI Encounter which was held in Garden City, KS, April 30 – May 2, 2004.

Region VI Spring Encounter ... Was held in Garden City, KS April 30 - May 2, 2004.  Four of the ten talks from Cala Figuera (given at the 2003 National Encounter) were given in both English and Spanish.
    In 1994 during the 50th Anniversary celebration of the first Cursillo Weekend, ten topics were presented at Cala Figuera (in Mallorca).  Eduardo Bonnin, the founder of Cursillo, had been intensely studying various attributes of humanity.  These attributes / topics reflected the focus of study as the Cursillo Movement was being formed by the Holy Spirit.  From this study came the 10 topics re-presented at Cala Figuera in 1994 and also at the 2003 National Encounter in Cincinnati: (1) Person; (2) Freedom; (3) Love; (4) Friendship; (5) Conviction; (6) Sincerity; (7) Criterion; (8) Life; (9) Normality; and (10) Joy.  Four of these ten topics were given at the Region VI Spring Encounter in Garden City.  These 10 topics are the basis of Cursillo.

News From Secretariat ...

From the Lay Director ...
    At the April SOL, the technique (lay) talks used as their basis chapters in a Cursillo booklet entitled, Our Fourth Day.  It never ceases to amaze me what I hear and what I learn!!  Two of the talks centered on the Three Day Weekend and the other two talks dealt with those days and weeks following the Weekend … living the Fourth Day …
    The talks did exactly what they were intended to … they took me to prayer … made me reflect … took me to study…what the speaker said made me want to know more…so I went to the booklet …how beautiful the way the He uses others to lead us into a deeper relationship with Him… And I’d like to share a little of what I found (excerpts in italics are from the booklet) …
    “Therefore, if there is to be any deepening of our relationship with Him, it must be from our side, because His grace and love are always available to us.  It is our response to Him that must be continuous and increased if we are to grow in that love and grow in that grace.”  So, if I want a deeper relationship with Him, the ball is in my court … He’s waiting for my response …  As I think about this, I can visualize Him standing at the door knocking … waiting for me to open … HIM waiting for ME because His grace and love are always available … how very much He loves us!!  Further, my response must be continuous and INCREASED if I desire to grow in His love and grow in His grace …  So it’s not really an option to stay where I am …  He desires a deeper relationship, and so do I …  So, it’s my move …  And Cursillo’s method of perseverance … living the Fourth Day in Group Reunion and Ultreya helps keep me returning to the door…(hopefully) opening it a little wider each time …
    Our Fourth Day further states that “Christ also expects us to be one with each other as we are one with Him.  As Vatican Council II reminded us, we are not saved in isolation; we are saved in community – the community of Christ’s Body, the Church.”  Hmmm … that kind of sounds like Group Reunion and Ultreya really might be important …  “The Christian community helps us to grow in this life and love of Christ, and we also need to be contributing members of that community so as to help others grow likewise …”  Yep, Group Reunion and Ultreya …  “These [Group Reunion and Ultreya] have sprung from the [M]ovement as it recognizes the necessity for us to help and support each other as we try to live out in our Fourth Day our commitments to piety [holiness], study [formation] and action [evangelization].”  Oh, oh … the “c” word … commitment …
    The booklet says that “ … We can find excuses not to make a Reunion.  There are lots of ‘good excuses’ not to go, but the one we miss may be the one when we are most needed by a friend.  So, we should approach making a Reunion and going to Ultreya from the point of view of an obligation to contribute rather than an opportunity to take; of giving rather than receiving.”  Again, the charge of the Three Day Weekend … we need to live our lives in a spirit of self-surrender … to give to one another in a spirit of generosity …  That’s a big part of the Cursillo message and living it out will help us persevere in the Fourth Day.
    As I first reflected on the speaker’s words at SOL, and again later as I was reading/praying the booklet, I was reminded of the promises that I made when I lived my Three Day Weekend …  “The promises that we made on the service sheet, which we filled out on the Weekend, came as a result of our coming to an understanding that in order to live what is fundamental for being a Christian and to grow in Christ’s love and knowledge, it was necessary for us to make commitments to grow in three areas of our life, namely, piety, study, and action, and share them with others.”  I remember making some commitments … I couldn’t tell you today what they were …  But I was ready to jump into a lot of things following the Weekend …  The Three Days had made me reflect on my life and see areas in which I needed to grow … and I wanted to grow … and I saw the Cursillo tool of Group Reunion as a means to help me in that growth.
    As I continued to read the booklet (having been challenged to do so at SOL), I began to see Group Reunion in a whole different light … okay, so how many years have I been grouping, and just now I’m seeing the light bulb come on?!?   “We determined then what we wished to promise in order to grow in the Christian life and so we made certain commitments to fulfill that promise.  Perhaps the promise was to attend Mass and Communion on Saturdays, or perhaps it was to make a chapel visit after work.  Maybe it was to say the Rosary each day, or to receive spiritual direction and the Sacrament of Reconciliation once a month.  Whatever our promise, the whole idea of making it concrete by marking it on the service sheet was so that we, in keeping the promise, would be reminded of it weekly and be able to share with our group what our piety commitment is and whether or not we kept it.  It is not a question of a multiplicity of piety practices; it is a question of making a commitment, keeping it, and deepening it.  The idea of sharing it with our group is not that we are accountable to them, but rather that we measure our own generosity each week.”  Whoa!  What a beautiful revelation … talking about our piety each week in Group Reunion isn’t about going down the list of “spiritual aids [that] helped me in my spiritual growth this week” and reporting what I did or didn’t do …  How is that growing?!?  It’s about having made a specific commitment the prior week … something that I needed to do to deepen my relationship with our Lord … and returning the following week to share with my Group whether or not, and how, I made any progress in deepening my relationship with my Friend …
    The same thing holds true in the other two areas … study (formation) and action (evangelization) …  I make a specific plan about how I intend to “change my mentality to be more Christian.” “The purpose of the study commitment is to begin a process whereby our mentality is reformed to be more in keeping with the Gospel and more in line with the Church’s thinking; more in line with being Christian …  Anybody who is going to be serious about his/her faith is required to make an effort to study it, increase one’s knowledge and, thereby, change one’s attitude …  Again, the main point is that we should be in a program or process whereby our mentality, our attitude, our way of looking at things is becoming more and more Christian.  The study commitment helps us to achieve this.”  I can’t say that I ever consciously thought of making commitments in each of the three areas each and every week during Group Reunion …  Yes, there were times when I talked about “my plan for next week”  that I might have mentioned specific plans related to what might be taken as a commitment in one or maybe two of the areas (I certainly don’t want to over-commit, you know!!) … but I know that I didn’t consciously plan my progress in deepening my relationship with Christ and His Church by making specific commitments for growth in each of the three areas.
    I could go through the same thought process in discussing action (evangelization), but I’m sure that you get the drift.  “The service sheet then is a concrete way for us to promise to do each week something that will help us to grow in our living union with Christ through our piety commitments, through a better understanding of Christ and His Church through our study commitment, and through planning our apostolic action.”  This revelation … inspired by the words of a speaker at SOL … which then made me thirst to know more, leading me to the booklet, Our Fourth Day … changes my whole way of approaching how I will live Group Reunion in the Fourth Day.  I DO want to grow deeper and deeper in my relationship with our Lord, and I will only do that when I make specific commitments about how I plan to do so …  And what I share at my Group Reunion each week will now be about how I am living up to my commitments …
    And as I say/pray these words, I can feel myself opening the door (with Christ on the other side) a little more …  and with His grace and patience, maybe one day it’ll be wide open …  May we all inch that door open a little more each day!!  Thank You, Jesus, for Your constant love and care … thank You for Your infinite patience with us …  And this day, I also thank You for the gift of the Cursillo Movement and the beautiful people that You bring into our lives …  Thank You for challenging us to grow … for desiring our growth …  Thank You for SOL and the friendship and fellowship that is a spark to living the Fourth Day ever more faithfully …  And did I tell You how much I love You?!?!

De Colores!     Kathy Springer

From the Spiritual Advisor ...
    The Spring Regional Encounter, a week ago in Garden City, KS, was a nice gathering of cursillistas from across our Region as well as the country.  Four of the ten talks which were presented in Cala Figuera (in Mallorca) in 1994, were given in both English and Spanish:  Person, Freedom, Love, and Friendship.  There was an opportunity for sharing and discussion after each of the talks.  Since these ten topics are the basis of Cursillo, it was a beautiful opportunity to freely share ourselves in friendship and love with each other and to deepen our understanding of the Cursillo Movement.
    Over the years that I have been involved in Cursillo, I have heard it said that “if you are living the Cursillo Method, you should be able to give any of the rollos on the Three Day Weekend with just a little notice.”  Well, I had the opportunity to experience first hand the truth of that statement.  Right before breakfast on Saturday of the Regional Encounter, because of scheduling difficulties between the language presentations, I was asked if I would give the “Person” talk which was the second talk of the day ... in about 2 hours!
    I was given a copy of an English translation of the Spanish talk which was given in 1994.  I went to the Chapel and read the talk to our Lord, as I asked Him to help me to present what He wanted me to say.  After reading / praying through the talk, I went to eat a quick breakfast and then to listen to the first talk on Freedom.  After the “Freedom” talk, during the discussion time, I again read / prayed through my talk and reflected on the person that I am, as well as the persons that I have met and formed friendships with over the years.
    I took the material given to me ... the talk on Person ... one of the core truths of the Catholic Faith ... and I synthesized the material with my lived experience ... my life as a cursillista.  In reality, this concept of Person is something I have spent time over the years thinking about ... I have shared some deep personal discussions with friends about who we are as persons ... what it means to love and to be a friend ... and to do that in freedom.  Giving this talk on Person, then, would simply be presenting the truths given to me in the text of the “Person” talk and adding my lived experience ... my personal witness.
    Really that is what each of us is called to do during our Fourth Day ... to synthesize the truths of the Catholic Faith with who we are as persons.  To do that, we first need to know ourselves as persons ... freely created and loved by God ... Only then can we freely enter into a loving relationship / friendship with God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit ... and we are then better able to enter into loving friendships with other human persons.  Christ is counting on us to live as the persons He created us to be ... to give witness to who we are.
    Over the years, forming loving friendships with other cursillistas through Group Reunion and SOL has helped me to grow in my understanding of myself and to more deeply enter into friendship and union with the Lord.  May the Lord help each of us to deepen our relationship with Him and with others.

De Colores      Father Mark Seiker

(Insert #1)


Your Postcursillo section team has planned a Grand Ultreya for June 27th from 11am - 4pm at Van Dorn Park in Lincoln. We want this to be a family-oriented event -- activities are planned for youth of all ages and adults.  This year we will also be featuring our first ever Evangelization Walk -- read about it below.

Van Dorn Park is easily accessible – travel south on 9th Street until you pass the Van Dorn intersection.  Turn right on High Street and follow the “Shelter” sign.  There are restroom facilities (not just bushes to hide behind!!), running water and grills, and there is an enclosed shelter we can use for Mass.  There is a softball diamond and playground equipment for kids of all ages.  It is a pretty park, perfect for a family get-together for spiritual and social renewal!

We would like to find a date when every single cursillista could come, but of course that is not possible.  Please do consider this once-a-year event -- make it a priority date on your family’s calendar if you can … our intention is to have a Grand Ultreya on the last Sunday in June each year.  This year, on June 27, the day is scheduled to begin at 11:00am, with Mass at 11:30am.  We will have Mass all together, then eat our picnic potluck meal.  Following the meal, there will be introductions; then the children will have the chance to participate in some games/crafts while we do our Ultreya Small Group Sharing.  The witness will follow.  And then, we will participate in the Evangelization Walk (see below), followed by relaxation time … meaning sitting and visiting for some, participating in youth/adult softball for some, or badminton or hiking for others.  The day will conclude around 4:00pm.

Evangelization Walk!
This year we will participate in the Cursillo 3rd National Evangelization Walk.  Those who wish to participate may walk along a course that will be mapped out (see article in the newsletter for details).

Our diocese is widespread geographically and it is rare that folks from the east and west all get together.  This is a time for cursillistas AND THEIR FAMILIES to take part in a Cursillo event.  We want to invite all cursillistas -- religious, single, married -- with children or without -- please come to celebrate what God has done for us!  Last year was great fun -- don’t miss out!

This will be a potluck picnic.  Each family will bring a dish to share.  Some have time and enjoy cooking up something at home, some pick up KFC -- it doesn’t matter if you bring sandwiches or hot dogs to grill, the idea is to be together.  The Secretariat will bring paper plates, napkins, glasses and plastic-ware;  iced tea/water/orange drink will be provided.  Please also bring softball equipment if you’d like to play.

How much?
There will be a jar for donations for use of the park shelter for those able and wanting to throw in a bit.  The fee is $60.  No park sticker is needed.


(Insert #2)

                                                      Registration Form

                                     School of Leaders
                                    Quarterly Reunion
                                        July 9-10, 2004
                                     13th & Ivy Streets
                    Sacred Heart - Crete, NE (NOT Shelby)

                 If you cannot be with us, we request Palanca for the success of the School.




Phone:                                         Email:

Where and when did you make your Cursillo?

Are you able to receive the Sacraments of Confession & Holy Communion?    Yes     No

To which Organizations do you commit your time?

Are you living the follow-up program of Group Reunion?    Yes     No

Are you living the follow-up program of Ultreya?    Yes     No

Do you have any physical/medical/dietary conditions to be considered?

Please Return this Form WITH PAYMENT To:
John Springer, 1410 E 15th St, Crete, NE 68333  NO LATER THAN JULY 7, 2004.

You are invited to the Quarterly Reunion of the School of Leaders.  Come participate in the work of Cursillo ... build
community with other cursillistas ... spend time in prayer and meditation with the Blessed Sacrament.  The School is for all
cursillistas ... men and women, couples, singles, priests and religious.

FRIDAY, JULY 9TH (Retreat Phase)
        7:30pm ---      Registration (NO Meal Friday evening)
        7:45pm ---      Mass
        8:30pm ---      Meditation, confessions, quiet time

SATURDAY, JULY 10TH (School of Leaders Agenda)
        7:00am ---      Morning prayer and Mass, followed by breakfast
        8:30am - 4pm Group Reunion, Intro, 1st Session, Lunch, 2nd Session, 3rd Session
        4:00pm ---     Clean up and Depart (Supper not provided)

Please bring the following with you to the weekend:
    • Pilgrim’s Guide
    • If you have the following:
        • Leader’s Manual (please begin praying the Leader’s Prayer on page 57)
        • Lincoln Diocese Pastoral Plan for Cursillo (extra copies will be available)
        • The Fundamental Ideas of the Cursillo Movement
        • His Way

• “Classic” Cursillo accommodations will be available.
• Advance registrations are requested; it is fine to attend Saturday only or Friday only
• Suggested donation (if you are able) for the weekend is $15.00 per person.  Please make check payable to “Cursillo
of Lincoln” and mail with the Registration Form.
• Please keep this half of the flyer for future reference.
• Please bring a snack to share, if you like.

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