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 April 2001

    Calendar of Events
April 27-29, 2001 Regional Meeting at Grand Island, NE – More info on right panel.
July 7, 2001  Secretariat Meeting (after Practice Weekend)
July 12-15, 2001 Men’s Weekend at St. Wenceslaus School, Wahoo
July 15, 2001  Men's Closing at St. Wenceslaus Church, Wahoo, 4:00pm Mass
July 19-22, 2001 11th National Encounter, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO
July 26-29, 2001 Women’s Weekend at St. Wenceslaus School, Wahoo
July 29, 2001  Women's Closing at St. Wenceslaus Church, Wahoo, 4:00pm Mass

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus,
    The March Retreat was attended by about 30 people at various times from Friday evening to Sunday evening.  The Retreat encouraged the Cursillistas to live the fourth day, and to evangelize their environments.  Those who attended enjoyed the weekend and suggested that it be held again!
    Also, the next Cursillo Weekends have been set for July 12-15 (men) and July 26-29  (women) at St. Wenceslaus School in Wahoo.  The practice weekend will be Friday, July 6 - Saturday, July 7.  Please notice that the Date for the Women’s Weekend is ONE WEEK LATER than had originally been scheduled.  The reason for this is that the Office of National Secretariat has scheduled the 11th National Encounter at St. Louis University in St. Louis, MO for the weekend of July 19 - 22, 2001.  That is pretty close to us, and we didn’t want to run competition with that weekend.
    De Colores!        Fr. Mark Seiker

Lincoln Diocese Cursillo Movement WebPage ...
Nat’l Cursillo WebPage: ...

NEXT CURSILLO WEEKENDS have been set for July 12-15 (Men), July 26-29 (Women), at St. Wenceslaus School in Wahoo.  The practice weekend is Fri., July 6 - Sat., July 7.  The Men's Coordinator is Bobby Joe Spangler, & the Women's Coordinator is Kathy Springer.
    Begin now to study your environments and invite people you know to prepare to be candidates for these weekends.  We have a little more than two months to study, invite and prepare for the next weekends.
    Each Ultreya Center has some small little booklets (The Cursillo Movement, What Is It?) available for sale ($1 each) to help you know more about Cursillo and to give or sell to those who are really interested in the weekends.  There are also two other little booklets available ...The Cursillo Movement: Sponsor's Booklet, & The Postcursillo, Group Reunion, and Ultreya.  Informational flyers &application blanks are available from your area representatives.  Remember to read carefully the sponsor portion of the application and commit yourself to helping the candidates that you sponsor.   Also, tear off the sponsor portion of the application before you give the application to the prospective candidate.  Then remember to turn both the completed application and the completed sponsor form in to Chris Yarger, by the deadline June 28, 2001!

11th National Encounter...July 19-22, 2001 at St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO ... The theme for this year’s National Encounter comes from Acts 1:11. After Jesus had ascended into heaven an angel appeared and said: “Why are you standing there looking at the sky?
    In support of this theme we have lined up some excellent presenters.  One of our major presenters will be Archbishop Michael Sheehan, who is the drafter of the National Conference of Catholic Bishop’s document entitled: God and Make Disciples.  Archbishop Sheehan was the Chair of the NCCB’s Committee on Evangel-ization from 1996 through 1999.  In addition, Archbishop Sheehan is also the Episcopal Advisor for Region X (this does not mean that he is Episopalian).  Another major presenter will be Fr. Frank DeSiano, who is the author of the book entitled: The Evangelizing Catholic.  Fr. DeSiano was also a consultat to the NCCB’s Committee on Evangelization during the time Archbishop Sheehan was the Chair.  Another presenter will be Fr. Frank Salmani, who many will recognize as the author of the book entitled: Fundamentals of Christianity.  Fr. Salmani has a new book that will come out just in time for our 11th Ntional Encounter.  This book is entitled: Whom Shall I Send?  Discerning the Lord’s Call to Discipleship.  We are still in the process of procuring additional speakers.  It proves to be very exciting!
    We begin Thursday evening Jul.19, 7:00pm & end following Ultreya & Night Prayers, Sat. night, July 21. Sunday breakfast & Mass are providedCost for the National Encounter is only $235 per person.  This includes 3 nights lodging & 8 meals.  See one of your Secretariat Rep’s for a registration form & include a $35.00 non-refundable deposit by April 30, 2001.

SPRING REGIONAL MEETING: will be held April 27-29, 2001 at St. Leo’s Catholic Church, 2410 S Blaine St, Grand Island, NE.  (Emergency Phone: 308-382-4753).  The focus for the Spring Meeting is the Precursillo and the Pastoral Plan.  The cost for registration is $30.00 per person.  Sleeping will be Cursillo style, please bring sleeping bags and air mattresses/cots.  Send registrations by April 15 to Joyce and John Yosten, 1703 Grand Ave, Grand Island, NE 68801; make checks payable to Cursillo.  For more information, contact your secretariat representatives.
    7:00-8:00pm Registration
    8:15pm  Welcome ... Explain Facility
    8:30-10:00pm Meditation & Reconciliation
      6:30am Arise
      7:00am Morning Prayer
      7:30am Breakfast
      8:30am Precursillo Workshop (session #1)
      9:15am Discussion
      9:45am Break
    10:00am Precursillo Workshop (Session #2)
    10:45am  Discussion
    11:15am Mass
    12:15pm Lunch
      1:15pm Precursillo Workshop (Session #3)
      2:00pm Discussion
      2:30pm Questions & Answers
      3:00pm Region VI Meeting
      5:30pm Supper
      6:30pm Diocesan sharing on Pastoral Plan
      7:00pm Ultreya .... Night Prayers ... Fiesta
      6:30am Arise
      7:30am Mass
      8:30am Breakfast & Depart

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