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 March 2002

    Calendar of Events
April 6, 2002                  Grand Ultreya (6:30pm; after 5:30pm Parish Mass) St. Joseph, York, NE
April 13, 2002                1:00pm Secretariat Meeting at St. Joseph Church, York, NE
April 26-28, 2002           Cursillo Regional Meeting at Fairbault, MN
June 14-15, 2002           Cursillo 4th Day Retreat (School of Leaders) location TBA.
July 11-14, 2002            12th National Encounter, Bellermine University, Louisville, KY
Sept. 12-15, 2002           Men’s Weekend location TBA
Sept. 19-22, 2002           Women’s Weekend location TBA
October 4-6, 2002          Cursillo Regional Meeting at Aquinas High School, David City, NE

ST. MARY’S, DAVID CITY, January 13, 2002:  John Balana, Luke Benes, Larry Bowman, Jr., Kenneth Case, Matthew Conrin, Don DuBay, Fr. Thomas Dunavan, Juan Estrada, Tim Gatewood, Fr. Jeremy Hazuka, Dennis Kellogg, Tom Kober, Joe Laird, Hector Lorenzo, Marc McClure, Kelly Nelson, Josh Miller, Fr. Bill Ryland, Gary Ryland, Jared Storm, Doug Vrbka, Jeff Yates.

ST. MARY’S, DAVID CITY, January 20, 2002: Joanne Balana, Lucy Bean, Alice Benes, Peggy Bruce, Brenda Carroll, Janice Case, Kim Conrin, Kathleen Deavers, Tracy Gatewood, Marilynn Happold, Angela Harwick, Jennifer Kellogg, Cindy Kober, Winnie Lorenzo, Joan Ryland, Roddy Spangler, Crystal Stara, Virginia Tardy, Jean Wakefield.

CURSILLO MUSICIANS ... If you are a musician who has either: 1.  led/assisted with music on a Cursillo weekend; 2.  would like to lead/assist with music on a Cursillo weekend; or 3. would like to learn more about music that is/can be used during a Cursillo weekend (during liturgies, around the rollo room, just for fun, at the fiesta, etc.), please send an e-mail to Terry Little at:, or phone him at 402-296-6099.  If there is enough interest, Terry is proposing to organize and conduct a "Cursillo Musicians' Workshop" at a time and place to be determined.  More details will follow."

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus,
    I want to invite all Cursillistas to come to the Grand Ultreya that will be held at St. Joseph Church in York on Saturday, April 6.  There is a Saturday evening Parish Mass at 5:30pm (which fulfills the Sunday obligation) that you are invited to attend.  Then we will begin the Grand Ultreya in the School Gym after Mass.  A special invitation is extended to all of the Candidates, the Talk teams and the Palanca teams from the January weekends held in David City.  However, all of us could use some encouragement in living our lives of faith and being better evangelizers in our environments.
    Please notice the Spring Regional Meeting is in Fairbault, MN April 26-28 (Registration enclosed).
    Continue your palanca and be willing to help with the Regional Meeting at David City in Oct.
    Also, the next Cursillo Weekends have been set for Sept. 12-15 (men) and Sept. 19-22  (women), location to be announced (TBA).  The men’s coordinator is John Springer and the women’s coordinator is Kathy Springer.  Begin now to study your environments and invite people you know to prepare to be candidates.  Make a friend, be a friend and bring your friend to Christ!

De Colores! Fr. Mark Seiker

From the Lay Director:
    Welcome to the new fourth-dayers who lived their Cursillo in David City this past January!!  The weekends are a reminder that God is good … all the time!!  All the time … God is good!!  I pray that as you live each fourth day, you will look to Him for His lead and follow as He directs.  Remember that you can count on your brothers and sisters in Christ to journey with you … He sent them (just as He sends you), and He works through them (as He does through you), to build His Kingdom ... He is counting on you (He is counting on all of us)!
    As the Lincoln Diocese Secretariat prepares to begin work re-forming the School of Leaders, it seems appropriate to talk about leadership (“Leaders” is the title of one of the rollos given on the Cursillo Weekend … and for good reason).  We are all called to be leaders in some capacity in that place we currently find ourselves … that place He put us.  As I prayed about what I might say regarding leadership, I was reminded of a comment I once heard from Archbishop Chaput (in fact, I wrote it down and have carried it in my pocket for several months).  I’m paraphrasing, but the comment was something to the effect that, in salvation history, we are all main actors … none of us are extras.
    I’ve thought about the Archbishop’s comment a lot … God is both Director (casting and otherwise) and Producer … He wrote the script (it’s His plan) … AND He’s the Critic of the finished work … in other words, He’s absolutely and totally in control (in spite of what we might think).  He cast each of us in either “lead” or “supporting” roles – sometimes we’re called to lead and sometimes we’re called to support the leader (the roles vary depending on the situation and circumstances).  But He didn’t cast any “extras” – He needed every one of us in active roles … ones in which we affect the “audience” (those in our environments).  As Casting Director, He knew each of us intimately (after all, He created us).   He knew our strengths and our weaknesses (and He cast us as He did in spite of our weaknesses).  As He studied each of us, He saw our possibilities, not our limitations (He knew His grace would be enough to overcome those).  He knew that sometimes what He asked would cause us to “stretch” beyond what we perceived to be our limits, but He knew He would be there for us, directing and guiding us … and He would send others.  How will we be remembered in salvation history – as main (lead and supporting) actors … or as the forgotten extras?  Will we be remembered for doing that which He cast us to do?  Will we be remembered for helping to make His Divine production a success?  It’s a work in progress … the decision is yours.
    In considering your personal circumstances, I would ask that you please pray about whether Our Lord is casting you to be a leader in the Cursillo Movement (you already know He is asking you to lead in your environments).  “All who attend a Cursillo Weekend become cursillistas.  All who become cursillistas should strive to be Christian leaders within their environments (home, work, social, political, etc.); however, not all cursillistas will choose, or are called, to become Cursillo leaders” (Leaders’ Manual, p. 39).  The School of Leaders is the Reunion and Ultreya of Cursillo leaders (those who continue to actively live the Three-Day Weekend beyond the Closing and are committed to helping others do likewise).  Cursillo leaders are committed to encouraging others (by word AND example) to take seriously the challenge to live a life of Holiness, Formation, and Evangelization … the challenge to “make a friend, be a friend, and bring that friend to Christ.”  The School of Leaders is the hub around which the whole Movement revolves.  It requires that leaders make a commitment – that they be willing to contribute not only all that they are as Christians, but also the time and effort necessary for the work of Cursillo to continue.  It IS a commitment (He’s looking for main actors), but it is also a great joy … there is great peace in doing that which He calls us to.
    The Secretariat is currently studying how best to structure the School of Leaders for our diocese.  To that end, we are considering an overnight retreat (possibly June 14-15) to begin the important work of re-forming the School.  The retreat is open to all who have (or might have) an interest in becoming Cursillo leaders.  Whether or not you feel Our Lord calling you to become a participant in the School, and whether or not you answer that call in the affirmative, please pray for God’s guidance in its re-formation.  As in all things, may His Will be done …

De Colores!! Kathy Springer, Lay Director

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