Cursillo Newsletter
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February 2001

    Calendar of Events
March 9-10, 2001 Fourth Day Retreat, St. Joseph School, Beatrice.
April, 2001  Secretariat Meeting .... To Be Announced ...
April 27-29, 2001 Regional Meeting at Grand Island, NE – More info on right panel.
July 12-15, 2001 Men’s Weekend at St. Wenceslaus School, Wahoo
July 15, 2001  Men's Closing at St. Wenceslaus Church, Wahoo, 4:00pm Mass
July, 2001  Secretariat Meeting .... To Be Announced ...
July 19-22, 2001 Women’s Weekend at St. Wenceslaus School, Wahoo
July 22, 2001  Women's Closing at St. Wenceslaus Church, Wahoo, 4:00pm Mass

ST. JOHN’S, LINCOLN, January 14, 2001:  Ron Barzydlo, Paul Bruckner, Patrick Carroll, Sterling (Bud) Gray, Robert Harper, John (Jay) Korus, Dan McCarty, Mark McCarville, Jay Meisinger, Gary Meyer, Robert Moore, Mark Pribyl, Jeff Scaturro, Michael Tebbe.
ST. JOHN’S, LINCOLN, January 21, 2001: Julie Chilcott, Betty Christen, Michelle Dixson, Mary Fertig, Liz Gray, Mary Harper, Deb Jones, Charlynn Krcilek, Joann Krumwiede, Charity Masters, Mary McCarty, Annette McClure, Krista Meisinger, Linda Meyer, Diane Pribyl, Meagan Richter, Connie Rolenc, Melissa Scaturro, Connie Seals, Cindy Steinacher, Loretta Tebbe, Kim Wilson.

Cursillo WEB PAGE ...check out the new web page ( for Cursillo Movement of Diocese of Lincoln.  This newsletter & other Diocesan Cursillo information is available there.
National CURSILLO WEB PAGE ... the address for the National Cursillo Center is:

THE POSTCURSILLO ... "Everything that is done in terms of the Cursillo methodology and purpose has as its end objective the postcursillo.  The precursillo and the Cursillo weekend are only preliminary steps toward the postcursillo. The purpose of the three days is to bring people from the precursillo into the postcursillo...The basic purpose of the postcursillo is to renew, accelerate and perfect conversion of each individual who has experienced the three days...The primary objective is for each person to find his or her own unique place in the Church and in the world and for the postcursillo to provide them the means to persevere in living the Christian life there. (The Postcursillo, Group Reunion & Ultreya, by Gerry Hughes)

Volunteer to Help in the Cursillo Movement ... Inserted in this newsletter is a page describing Palanca and ways that you can volunteer to help with the Cursillo Movement, and also an explanation of the upcoming 4th Day Retreat and a Registration Form for the Retreat.  You may mail one or both forms to either Chris Yarger or Kathy Springer.  Thanks for your prayers!

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus,
    I want to invite all Cursillistas to come to the Retreat for 4th Day Cursillistas that will be held at St. Joseph School in Beatrice on Friday, March 9 and Saturday, March 10 (see the insert in this newletter for additional information).  A special invitation is extended to all of the Candidates, the Talk teams and the Palanca teams from the January weekends held in Lincoln.  However, all of us could use some encouragement in living our lives of faith and being better evangelizers in our environments.
    Another important tool we have to help us to live our faith lives as Cursillistas is the weekly Grouping and monthly Ultreya.  I encourage you to be faithful to grouping and Ultreya.  Please talk with your Sponsor or your Secretariat Representative to help you find a Group & to be active in the Cursillo Movement.
    Please notice that the Spring Regional Meeting is very close to us ... in Grand Island.  Please take advantage of this opportunity &make plans to attend the Spring Regional Meeting
    Also, the next Cursillo Weekends have been set for July 12-15 (men) and July 19-22  (women) at St. Wenceslaus School in Wahoo.  The practice weekend will be Friday, July 6 - Saturday, July 7.  Begin now to study your environments and invite people you know to prepare to be candidates for these weekends.
    De Colores!         Fr. Mark Seiker

 -- Holiness --
 -- Formation --
 -- Evangelization --

SPRING REGIONAL MEETING: will be held April 27-29, 2001 at St. Leo’s Catholic Church, 2410 S Blaine St, Grand Island, NE.  (Emergency Phone: 308-382-4753).  The focus for the Spring Meeting is the Precursillo and the Pastoral Plan.  The cost for registration is $30.00 per person.  Sleeping will be Cursillo style, please bring sleeping bags and air mattresses/cots.  Send registrations by April 15 to Joyce and John Yosten, 1703 Grand Ave, Grand Island, NE 68801; make checks payable to Cursillo.  For more information, contact your secretariat representatives.
    7:00-8:00pm Registration
    8:15pm  Welcome ... Explain Facility
    8:30-10:00pm Meditation & Reconciliation
      6:30am Arise
      7:00am Morning Prayer
      7:30am Breakfast
      8:30am Precursillo Workshop (session #1)
      9:15am Discussion
      9:45am Break
    10:00am Precursillo Workshop (Session #2)
    10:45am  Discussion
    11:15am Mass
    12:15pm Lunch
      1:15pm Precursillo Workshop (Session #3)
      2:00pm Discussion
      2:30pm Questions & Answers
      3:00pm Region VI Meeting
      5:30pm Supper
      6:30pm Diocesan sharing on Pastoral Plan
      7:00pm Ultreya .... Night Prayers ... Fiesta
      6:30am Arise
      7:30am Mass
      8:30am Breakfast & Depart

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