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 January 2005

    Calendar of Events
January 7-8, 2005          Practice Weekend, St. Joseph Church, York, NE
January 8, 2005              Secretariat Meeting after Practice weekend (about Noon), St. Joseph, York, NE
January 13-16, 2005      Men’s Weekend, St. Joseph Church, York, NE
January 16, 2005            Men’s Closing, 5:00pm (4:00pm Mass) St. Joseph Church, York, NE
January 20-23, 2005      Women’s Weekend, St. Joseph Church, York, NE
January 23, 2005           Women’s Closing, 5:00pm (4:00pm Mass) St. Joseph Church, York, NE
February 5 or 12, 2005  Secretariat Meeting 10:00am, St. Joseph Church, York, NE
February 5 or 12, 2005  Postcursillo Reunion – 1:00pm-3:00pm Sat, St. Joseph Church, York, NE
February 25-26, 2005   School of Leaders (quarterly reunion) – 7:30pm Fri-4pm Sat, St. John the Baptist, Minden, NE
April 8-10, 2005           Spring Regional Encounter, Omaha, Cathedral Center
April 22-23, 2005         School of Leaders (quarterly reunion) – 7:30pm Fri-4pm Sat, Location TBA
July 28 - 31, 2005         Cursillo National Encounter, Benedictine College, Atchison, KS

Closings for the
Three Day Weekends

Food!! ... Fellowship!! ... Fun!!
to be held at St. Joseph Parish
York, NE
Men’s: January 16, 2005
Women’s: January 23, 2005
5:00pm  (4th Day Mass at 4:00pm)

PRAYER/ADORATION HOURS for the Shelby Weekends (listed by Ultreya Centers)
Thursday, 7:00pm - Midnight               Beatrice / Crete
Friday, Midnight - 5:00am                   Hastings
Friday, 5:00am - 10:00am                   Lincoln
Friday, 10:00am - 3:00pm                   McCook
Friday, 3:00pm - 8:00pm                     Plattsmouth/Offutt
Friday, 8:00pm - Saturday, 1:00am     Wahoo
Saturday, 1:00am - 6:00am                 Beatrice / Crete
Saturday, 6:00am - 11:00am               Hastings
Saturday, 11:00am - 4:00pm               Lincoln
Saturday, 4:00pm - 9:00pm                 McCook
Sat., 9:00pm - Sun., 2:00am                Plattsmouth/Offutt
Sunday, 2:00am - 7:00am                   Wahoo
Sunday, 7:00am - 5:00pm                   David City

Three Day Weekend – St. Joseph, York

     Rollo Team for Men's Weekend -- Jon Junkin (Coordinator), Chuck Micek, Bob Rice, and John Springer,
     Fr. Paul York, Fr. Bernard Lorenz.
     Rollo Team for Women's Weekend -- Roddy Spangler (Coordinator), Carolyn Holmes, Joan Junkin, and Joyce Micek,
     Fr. Bill Holoubek, Fr. Tom Lux.
     Candidates -- Please be praying for these candidates who have sent in their completed applications (as of 1/10/05) for the
     Cursillo Weekends in York (please encourage candidates to get their applications in ASAP):
          - Kevin Biskup -- Orleans, NE
          - Patrick Carroll -- Plattsmouth, NE
          - Fr. Harlan Waskowiak -- Orleans, NE
          - Susan Biskup -- Orleans, NE
          - Alice Galaway -- McCool Junction, NE
          - Mary Springer -- Crete, NE
          - Dorothea Warburton -- McCook, NE
          - Raye Wilmes -- York / Crete, NE

Bishop Victor Galeone lived his Cursillo October 2004 ... His Comments ... The white insert is an excerpt of an article written by Bishop Galeone, who was the retreat master for the second priests’ retreat at Waverly this past summer.  The article was included in the November/December 2004 issue of the St. Augustine Catholic Magazine, and talks of his experience of Cursillo.  Please be praying about who our Lord is asking YOU to invite to live a Cursillo Weekend ... if the Weekend made a difference in your life, then offer others that same opportunity to encounter Christ.

School of Leaders (SOL)
February 25-26, 2005
St. John the Baptist
Minden, NE

Note the new location!!

Come and see what SOL is about
... Jesus asks us to be His hands
and feet and voice in the world ...
how might you help
with the work of bringing Christ
to others through Cursillo!

News From Secretariat ...

“Make a friend, BE a friend,
and bring that friend to Christ”…

From the Lay Director ...
        On November 26th (the day after Thanksgiving), Fr. Seiker and I began praying a Rosary Novena for the Cursillo Movement (in the Lincoln Diocese, in particular, but throughout the world as well) and for the upcoming Three Day Weekends in our Diocese (in January).  A Rosary Novena consists of praying five decades of the Rosary each day for twenty-seven days in petition for a particular intention, followed by five decades each day for twenty-seven days in thanksgiving … whether or not the petition is granted.
        The booklet that contains the prayers for the Rosary Novena (including the Mysteries of Light) states:  “In the original introduction to the Rosary Novena, Charles Lacey says, ‘You will not have prayed in vain.  No prayer ever went unheard, and Our Blessed Lady has never been known to fail.’  This is not to say that every request we make will be granted in the exact way we wish.  Many times, God’s grace comes to us through people and events we never imagined.  Often our prayers are answered, but not as we expected them to be.  The intent of the Rosary Novena is to enlist Mary’s help in presenting our needs to God.  As her Son Jesus promised, ‘Ask and you shall receive.’”
        I pray for the Cursillo Movement because it is important to me in my everyday life … it has made a big difference in the way I live each day.  I firmly believe in Cursillo’s potential to change lives on an on-going basis … day by day … if we but live the method (Group Reunion and Ultreya).  I look forward to new growth … in holiness, formation, and evangelization … each and every day …  And because Cursillo made such a difference in my life, I pray (offer Palanca) on an on-going basis in order that others might also have that same opportunity in their lives.
        Every day God gives me opportunities to be His hands and feet and voice …  The Evangelization rollo given on the Three Day Weekend uses Romans 10:13-15 to illustrate the importance of God’s call on our lives … it quotes St. Paul as saying: “As the scripture says, ‘Everyone who calls out to the Lord for help will be saved.  But how can they call to Him for help, if they have not believed?  And how can they believe, if they have not heard the message?  And how can they hear, if the message is not proclaimed?  And how can the message be proclaimed, if the messengers are not sent out?’  WE are the messengers and proclaimers of the Good News.  The way we live our life will be the answer to God’s question – ‘What have you done to your brother?’”
        The candidates and team members who hear these words are left to ponder what their role is in proclaiming the Good News … and we can only speak (convincingly) to that which we know.  I know that Cursillo changed my life … and I know that it continues to do so as I live the method of Group Reunion and Ultreya on a regular basis … and I know that as I deepen my understanding of the Cursillo Movement, my encounter with our Lord becomes ever more alive and vibrant as I meet Him in those He put into my life … into my environments.  Am I living my call to bring others to Christ?  “Speak, Lord, Your servant is listening” … I want to do Your will, Lord … help me to be faithful to that which You have called me … help me to spread the joy and peace of encountering You through Cursillo …  In response to the question, ‘What have you done to your brother?’, I’d like to be able to respond to God that I did my very best to bring my brothers and sisters to meet/encounter Him … and, in my second breath, I’ll thank Him for giving me the Cursillo Movement as an aid in doing just that …  Jeff Cavins (from EWTN) says that Cursillo is the best kept secret in the Catholic Church … help me “spill the beans” to make it known …
        Our Rosary Novena will be finished on January 12th, the day before the Men’s Three Day Weekend begins … we are asking Our Lady to continue to lead us and others … both those who have already lived a Cursillo Weekend as well as those who have yet to live a Weekend … to her Son … through the Cursillo Movement … or through whatever other means is best suited for a particular person to encounter Christ.  We are praying for the apostolate of the Cursillo Movement because that is where God has called us to serve Him … but we are fully aware that God uses many and varied means to draw us to Himself … and we thank Him for each and every one of those means … and we especially thank Him for Cursillo.  Jesus live!!
        As I pray for others, I ask our Lord who He would have me invite to live a Cursillo Weekend, that they, too, might have the same opportunity that I was given to encounter Him.  We just celebrated Christmas … the gift of God’s Son given to us in love …  Cursillo, too, is a gift … given in love …  The charism of the Cursillo Movement was given to Eduardo Bonnin to share with us … thank you, Eduardo, for not hoarding this beautiful gift …  Help me, Lord, not to hoard it either …  Help me to be generous in working for You in building Your Kingdom … help me return Your gift of Cursillo in a well-worn state … not as an unwrapped gift, but rather as a well-used one …  May its wear and tear reflect the many souls that have drawn closer to You through its use … may I be Your instrument in helping others to discover Cursillo …  Help me make a friend, BE a friend, and bring that friend to You!

De Colores!!      Kathy Springer

From the Spiritual Advisor ...
        We are still in the Christmas Season, and we would do well to heed the call of our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, to “gaze on the face of Christ.”  Perhaps, one way to do this is to spend some time gazing on the figures of the Crib scene ... gazing on the faces of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph ... the shepherds ... the wise men ... Today, I would like to reflect on Christ and His role in the Holy Family ... in our families.
        It is difficult to be parents in our world today ... to bring Gospel values into the home and not be influenced by the world’s values.  As one example, consider how many parents take their children to see Santa, but how few take their children to see Jesus ... to spend some time in prayer before the image of the crib scene ... to spend time with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
        Recently I read in The Word Among Us that St. Ignatius of Loyola spent a lot of time reflecting on a painting in his cell of the Holy Family (Jesus, Mary, and Joseph): “What was Ignatius pondering as he spent so many hours gazing upon that picture?  Was he admiring the way Mary listened to the leadings of the Holy Spirit and consented to be the mother of Jesus?  Perhaps he pondered what it would have been like to walk with Joseph, leading and protecting Mary and the baby Jesus on their journey to Egypt and then back to Israel?  Maybe Ignatius saw himself sitting down for dinner each night and joining in conversation with these three?”
        Perhaps we should imitate him and spend some time in front of the crib scene meditating on the Holy Family ... asking Jesus, Mary, and Joseph how our families might grow in holiness.  A few days ago, I did just that ... I spent time in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament gazing at the figures of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in the crib scene ... reflecting on their lives ... wondering how they prayed ... wondering what their conversations were like ... I wondered what I would say to them and what they would say to me.
        The most important environment that our Lord asks us to touch is the family ... “... see how much Jesus treasures your family – whatever shape it is in.  Jesus knows what you are facing as you try to raise your family, and He wants to help you.  To that end, He will comfort you and guide you.  What’s more, He will touch, guide, and counsel your children.  He loves them even more than you do!  Trust in Him; He won’t disappoint you.”
        St. John tells us that God has “pitched His tent among us” ... He has taken on our flesh, our human condition (except sin) ... He is Emmanuel – “God with us.”  St. John tells us that He proclaims: “what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we looked upon and touched with our hands” ... The presence of Jesus in our world makes it easier for us to follow Him ... to imitate Him ... to be a holy family ...
        On our Three Day Weekend, we encountered Jesus in a new way ... our eyes were opened and the scales fell from them, and we saw Him ... but when we went back into the real world, it was likely much more difficult for us to see Jesus in our daily lives, especially in our families.  It is at these times that we need to once again gaze on the face of Jesus ... we need to ponder the Holy Family and ask their intercession.  We need to ask Jesus, Mary, and Joseph to stay with us as we go out into the world to help us recognize Christ in our families and other persons ...

De Colores        Father Mark Seiker

Come to the Men’s and Women’s Closings
at St. Joseph Church in York
(Mass at 4:00 pm; Closing at 5:00 pm).

(Insert #1)

Registration Form

School of Leaders
Quarterly Reunion
February 25-26, 2005
624 Garber
St. John the Baptist - Minden, NE

If you cannot be with us, we request Palanca for the success of the School.




Phone:                                         Email: 

Where and when did you make your Cursillo? 

Are you able to receive the Sacraments of Confession & Holy Communion?    Yes     No

To which Organizations do you commit your time? 

Are you living the follow-up program of Group Reunion?    Yes     No

Are you living the follow-up program of Ultreya?    Yes     No

Do you have any physical/medical/dietary conditions to be considered? 

Please Return this Form WITH PAYMENT To:
John Springer, 1410 E 15th St, Crete, NE 68333 NO LATER THAN FEB. 23, 2005.

You are invited to the Quarterly Reunion of the School of Leaders.  Come participate in the work of Cursillo ... build
community with other cursillistas ... spend time in prayer and meditation with the Blessed Sacrament.  The School is for all
cursillistas ... men and women, couples, singles, priests and religious.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25th (Retreat Phase)
        7:30pm ---      Registration (NO Meal Friday evening)
        7:45pm ---      Mass
        8:30pm ---      Meditation, confessions, quiet time

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26th (School of Leaders Agenda)
        7:00am ---      Morning prayer and Mass, followed by breakfast
        8:30am - 4pm Group Reunion, Intro, 3 Sessions and Lunch
        4:00pm ---     Clean up and Depart (Supper not provided)

Please bring the following with you to the weekend:

                                                    (Insert #2)
Bishop Victor Galeone lived his Cursillo October 2004 ... His Comments ...

By their witness and example, they (the laity) can make the gospel an
appealing message to their neighbors, coworkers, and fellow students,
who might never cross the threshold of a church.”

My dear Friends in Christ,

I want to tell you of the marvelous experience I had at Camp St. John the weekend of Oct. 1-3. I made a Cursillo. I admit that I was less than enthusiastic about participating in this event, due to the many pressing demands on my agenda. But as the bus rolled off the campgrounds on Sunday evening, I realized that the Cursillo was one of the best religious experiences of my life. Bear in mind that my relationship with the Lord was pretty much the same after the Cursillo as it was before. Why, then, all the enthusiasm? Because I witnessed firsthand the love and dedication of our laity for the Lord and his church. The testimony of those Cursillo lay leaders moved me profoundly. I found myself repeatedly asking, “If I were married and had a family to support, would I be risking my job to defend my faith like that?”

The Cursillo movement is an excellent way to form lay leaders, as the documents of Vatican II challenge us to do. The Vatican II document, Decree on the Apostolate of Lay People (Apostolicam actuositatem, Nov. 18, 1965), pointed out that in a secular society, which continues to lose its moral bearings, it’s the role of the laity to act as a leavening in the
decadent atmosphere of our age. The laity can enter where priests and sisters have no access. By their witness and example, they can make the gospel an appealing message to their neighbors, coworkers, and fellow students, who might never cross the threshold of a church.

Some ten years ago, a Lutheran pastor wrote a book in which he compared the Catholic Church to a sleeping giant. He opined that if Catholics should ever awaken to the fullness of the truth and beauty that is their heritage, they would bring about the greatest religious revival our nation has ever known. I am personally convinced that the Cursillo Movement is one of the most effective means to revitalize our lay people to assume the role that is
rightfully theirs by reason of their faith and baptism. So if someone should invite you to participate in the next scheduled Cursillo weekend, please say, “Yes.” You’ll be spiritually the richer for it, and so will the church.

+ Victor Galeone,
Bishop of St. Augustine

(Excerpt taken with permission from Bishop Victor Galeone article from the St. Augustine
Catholic Magazine November/December 2004 issue)

Cursillo Application Form for Diocese of Lincoln, NE
Lincoln Diocese Sponsor Form

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